What a Waste
Farmers Markets
Americans lead the world in food waste. For an American family of four the average value of discarded food is about $1,600 annually-- not a fact to be proud of. Add food lost at harvest because it is not deemed perfect enough for sale, food lost in transit from farm to store and food with a sell- by date that causes it to be discarded even it is still in good conditon and it turns out that over 40% of the food harvested does not get to our tables. Wasted food is the single biggest occupant of American landfills. With all the wonderful food resources of Floyd we hope to do better. As individuals we can do something about wasted food. One simple thing is to learn to appreciate the less than perfect, or the food usually discarded. There are plenty of good recipes around for vegetable trimmings, scraps and less popular meats. We have even found that you can make a delicious dessert with coffee grounds. Coffee Ground Panna Cotta Ingredients: 1 tbsp powdered gelatin (unflavored) ¼ cup sugar or stevia 2 pinches of kosher salt Directions: Combine gelatin with 1 cup of warm water and stir until dissolved. In a small pot, combine the half and half, coffee grounds, sweetener, and salt. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring frequently so the milk doesn’t scorch at the bottom. Gently stir in the dissolved gelatin. Once incorporated, remove from the heat, cover, and let the mixture steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain the mixture into four small serving bowls and refrigerate overnight to set. 3 cups half and half 1 tbsp vanilla extract ¼ cup used coffee grounds
. . . make people happy! 5 Reasons to Support your Local Farmers Market: · You get to meet the people in your community. · You can support your local community and small businesses. · The produce and products are fresher and better quality. · You decrease your carbon footprint by reducing long- distance commercial shipping. · You help the environment by promoting a more sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle. A farmers market is often the lynchpin of a vibrant local food system. SustainFloyd took on the task of founding a market in downtown Floyd. This involved designing, building and organizing the market. Fundraising through both local donations and grants allowed development of this market which SustainFloyd continues to operate. Floyd is fortunate to have farms, food businesses and dedicated food shoppers who keep this market vibrant and thriving.
A series of studies conducted by Civic Economics revealed that for every dollar we spend at a large chain or supermarket only 15 cents of that money stays local. Locally-owned enterprises and markets, for comparison, contribute up to 45 cents locally.
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