Focus Fashion Timeless


A Written by, Dr. Deneen Evans

were transformative and I watched them cry to- gether, get mad at each other and make up full of attitude, they celebrated their accomplish- ments as mothers, wives and career women and they supported each other in ways that their mates could not understand The gift passed down to me from these women was valuing the power and the beauty of the fe- male sista hood. I was always blessed to have my tribe of sista friends throughout the stages of my development. The earliest friendships were formed in the old neighborhood followed by my middle school buddies, my high school posse, and the seasonal college friendships. Now that I have reached midlife the purpose and process of nurturing my sista tribe has even more meaning. My nearest and dearest tribe of friends originateso from my member-

s an African American Women my identity has been connected through the many intersections of my iden-

Sista Friend Growing up positive images of strong Black Women were often regulated to the women who formed by my mothers “sista hood tribe” many who 50 years later are still connected through their Black girl magic sista hood. These relationships tity. These intersections have been defined and redefined throughout my life based on race, class, gender, social status, professional status and title, marital status, parental role and the list continues to expand as I mature. As an African American women my sense of identity and womanhood has often been misrepresented throughout history, through the social media net- works and on television shows and movie roles.

Seeking advice, sharing concern, providing support and love, is why I desire to be around and nurture friendships with women who understand how I feel and who, I hoped, would help me be a better sista

6 Focus Fashion Magazine

June 2018, Timeless Edition

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