Focus Fashion Timeless
Stylish Magazine Forever Young
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vul- putatevelitessemolestieconsequat,velillumdolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum
Lifestyle | Entertain | Food | Women’s | Culture
Erica Jenkins
Tommy Page, Editorial Director Erica Jenkins, Creative Director Jassman Harris, Assistant to the Editor Rhonda Ihlenburg, Photo Director
Welcome to FOCUS FASHION TIMELESS. Approaching my fortieth birthday, I remember crying because I thought 40 was old. I was thinking time was running out, however I soon realized it was a whole new beginning of life. Timeless!!! Timeless represents the ageless 40 plus Individual. What I discovered was once you hit 40 a new life be- gins you’re no longer 20, but what you are now is Timeless. There is a glow of radiance about you. Your beauty shines inside and out. The new beauty marks appear because of the number of years you have grown. This is Timeless.
Still Beautiful Inside and Out...Timeless...We are captivating,motivating, strong, radiant and resilient, Free to be your best you Ladies this is Timeless..
In FF Timeless I don’t want anyone to think they can’t because of their age. I want them to know they can and are.
Thank you for being apart of Timeless..Welcome and Enjoy!!!
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Article From Dr.Deneen Evans Titled “A Sistah Friend” 06
Shades of Color Fashions 09
Pretty Please On Broad Fashions 24
Article From Rebecca Pace-Wessinger Titled “Love Your Body More” 30
Her Perfect Day Evening Dresses 33
Article FromWHEWWE FOUNDER Lavonne Yvette Titled “Put That Woman First” 36
Make-up by
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
Focus Fashion Magazine
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
Focus Fashion Magazine
A Written by, Dr. Deneen Evans
were transformative and I watched them cry to- gether, get mad at each other and make up full of attitude, they celebrated their accomplish- ments as mothers, wives and career women and they supported each other in ways that their mates could not understand The gift passed down to me from these women was valuing the power and the beauty of the fe- male sista hood. I was always blessed to have my tribe of sista friends throughout the stages of my development. The earliest friendships were formed in the old neighborhood followed by my middle school buddies, my high school posse, and the seasonal college friendships. Now that I have reached midlife the purpose and process of nurturing my sista tribe has even more meaning. My nearest and dearest tribe of friends originateso from my member-
s an African American Women my identity has been connected through the many intersections of my iden-
Sista Friend Growing up positive images of strong Black Women were often regulated to the women who formed by my mothers “sista hood tribe” many who 50 years later are still connected through their Black girl magic sista hood. These relationships tity. These intersections have been defined and redefined throughout my life based on race, class, gender, social status, professional status and title, marital status, parental role and the list continues to expand as I mature. As an African American women my sense of identity and womanhood has often been misrepresented throughout history, through the social media net- works and on television shows and movie roles.
Seeking advice, sharing concern, providing support and love, is why I desire to be around and nurture friendships with women who understand how I feel and who, I hoped, would help me be a better sista
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
ship in my sorority, church and career roles. We share common identities of mother, wife, daughter, sister and mom. We sup- port and advise each other through life’s most complicated decisions, we cheer each other on in our accomplishments and yes we still get on each other nerves for short time periods. So,whyaresistafriendssoimportant?Idugin and studiedmy own need for female commu- nity and what pulled me toward my friend- ships as a primary support system in a time a great stress. I was especially curious to find out why women couldn’t fill this needwith our husbands or through the wisdom of books, advisors or other communities? Without communities of women, we often missopportunities tobe involved inour cities, to learn from each other, to empathize with other women and to share the benefits of laughter and a heart-felt hug. As women, we sometimes need to be re- minded what being a girlfriend means. Too often it takes an illness or loss to hit us with reality, realization, and appreciation of friend- ship.That reminder canalsobeassimpleasa caring card, a hug or an e-mailed photo. Once in a while we simply need to take the time to think about our friends, stop and live in the moment, and if at all possible, celebrate that moment. Hearsomebadnews?Callasistafriend.Have something great to celebrate? Share that cel- ebration with a sista friend. Want to feel pret- tier,belessstressed,behealthierandhappier? Spend some time with your BFFs. Recognize your need for friendships and fill that need with time and memories together.
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
Focus Fashion Magazine
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Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
Focus Fashion Magazine
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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…“I make $11 an hour and can’t afford health insurance, so thankfully the Bradley Free Clinic takes care of all of my healthcare needs for FREE.”
We Care Medical Clinic Tues. & Thurs. 5 pm –8:30 pm Wed. 9:30 am –11:30 am Fri. 8:30 am –12:30 pm
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Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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Health Care
humid weather. An oil-free moisturizer like the Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture SPF15 is a great pick. It goes on light and smooth but is rich enough to quench skin without kickstarting excessive oil.
Use Sunscreen.
Sunscreen is a must no matter the temperature. Apply and re-apply throughout the day. Spring time can actu- ally be high risk time for sunburn. Although the weather is warmer ,it’s still so mild you might not feel how strong the sun really is. EltaMD offers several affordable sunscreen options that work well under makeup.
Dawn E Claytor
Add an eye cream.
To combat the fine lines and wrinkles that form around the eyes, find an eye cream with a high concentration of antioxidants and peptides. Olay Eyes Ultimate Eye Cream packs a punch that also helps even out crepey texture. Big sunglasses are always a great idea as well.
ow that spring is finally here there is no better time than the present to start prepping your skin. Here are five tips to help stave off vernal skin- related freak out. As an admitted product junkie, here are my Spring 2018 skin care tips.
Go under the needle.
Start scrubbing.
We have all heard the saying “Good black don’t crack”, well let me tell you a good Aesthetician never hurt either. Al- though I haven’t use Botox on a regular basis , sometime your regular skin care routine needs a boost. Botox can cause wrinkles to relax and soften. It’s often used on the forehead lines, crows feet and frown lines.
WinterS cold can cause season-long build-up on the skin. Dead skin leftover product and environmental toxins can make our skin dull and lifeless. Light mico-dermabrasion, followed by a moisturizing mask , will help get rid of old dead , winter skin. To keep skin smooth and hydrating mask up to three time a week. L’Oreal Pure Clay Detox & Brighten Face Mask is my go to this season.
No matter what you put on your skin also remember your overall health is top priority. Eating a health well balanced diet, exercising, getting plenty of sleep and drinking water will go a long way in helping you be you best.
Lighten your load.
Come spring ,it’s time to swap out your heavy formulas for lighter lotions. While ingredients like petrolatum help protect the skin, certain products can weigh you down especially in
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Need ___ Insurance? a. life b. auto c. business d. all the above 800.937.8371
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
29 Focus Fashion Magazine
Love Your Body More!
by Rebecca Wessinger
candy bars of all sizes, chips, a plethora of sandwiches, ice cream (even soft serve), pizza and the list continues. The marketing tools utilized at these “grab-n-go’s” are impeccable and lure us all the way to the checkout coun- ter. There, you can find impulse items like sugary gum, mints, a basket of fruit and “homemade” cookies the size of a grape fruit. DANGEROUS! Everything (excluding the fruit basket) in these stores are processed to the nth de- gree, therefore depleting any and all true nutrients from these foods. Everything, including the bottled water, has been through a PROCESS! Again, no benefit to you! I do apologize for being the bearer of bad news, however it is up to us to fuel our bodies with wholesome good- ness. We must hold ourselves accountable! If you find it difficult to commit to yourself and what your body needs, ask your doctor, reach out to a personal trainer or a nutritionist for help and accountability. Ask yourself this question, “How long do I want to live this life as healthy as possible?” We must meal plan but most importantly, decline from buying the foods that make you even more hungry (yes, this is a “thing”), foods that cause bloating, water reten- tion and weight gain. Your heart and organs are worth it, even your joints! For example, your knees are very small joints that carry a lot of weight. When too much weight has caused your knees pain, by all means, do some- thing about it. Get moving and watch what goes in your mouth! Here’s a little “Food” for Thought... It is plain and simple...
Being Fabulous and 40 (plus) becomes more difficult as the years pass, right? We battle hormones, hot flashes, wrinkles, cravings, insomnia, weight gain and flatulence! The list continues unfortunately. Are you aware though, that what you eat has EVERYTHING to do with EVERY facet of our being? Before you eat a meal, do you think about the calories you are about to consume, the portion that is before you on your plate? The vitamins and minerals you are about to ingest? And my all time favorite questions, how much has it been processed and how will you feel afterward? By the looks of most Americans, sadly, there is not much thought placed in the foods we consume other than, “This is gonna taste SO GOOD!” To our defense, but certainly not an excuse, we are given a multitude of re- sources for really great tasting foods. Restaurants, super- markets, even our fuel stations have amped their choices in food and beverage. Most newly built gas stations today are chocked full of so many “fabulous” choices. Let me just enlighten you on a secret, however. These places are about 2,000 square feet of POISON! Any food or beverage that has been through this much processing is dangerous and eventually detrimental to the vessel that helps carry us everywhere we go! When you enter the doors of these establishments, you can turn right or left and find an array of fountain drinks, slushees, teas, juices, and any bottled drink you could imagine. On your walk to these machines, you can choose
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
#4. Find a mentor who will listen, build you up and one who exudes positive energy.
Nevertheless, it is sad to watch so many affected by all types of cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obe- sity and an array of other illnesses, simply caused by our food choices. America holds the record, just above Mexico for the most obese nation on earth! The simple reasons are, what we eat and how much. It is also scientifically proven that we can, in fact, stretch our stomachs over time. If you keep eating after you are full just because it tastes good, you are doing yourself a disservice. STOP! It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to realize that you have eaten and you are satisfied. If you would allow your brain to actually catch up with your intake of food, you will no longer be hungry and actually stop eating. So, the next time you are at a restaurant, only eat half of your meal and take the rest home. Wait for at least 20 minutes and make a conscious effort to notice if you are still hungry. It works, I have tested it! Don’t be the one who says, “Shew, I ate too much.” You want to feel satisfied, not full. As you know, the more weight you gain, the harder it is to lose. What happens when you gain weight? You get frustrated and become depressed, negative thoughts begin, then hopeless- ness. It is downhill from there and becomes a snowball effect, right? You become offended at minuscule things others say and more aware of how people treat you differently because of your weight gain. Believe me, I have been there and it is a dark place to be.
TODAY is the day you should begin your food journey. Your body is a gift to you and deserves to be treated properly. Me personally, I choose no more than 2 days a week to eat what I want, other days I eat for my gift, my temple, my body. I actu- ally crave healthier foods because I have trained myself in that regard. My hearts desire is to feel good on the inside and out, therefore I do what it takes to get the job done. Did you realize that 85% of weigh loss depends on how much we eat and not our activity level?
My simple advice is this, get moving and watch what and how much goes in your mouth. It affects your entire makeup!
We all want to feel and look our best, it is up to our individual selves to make it happen.
Be and feel great starting right this second!
Helpful tips to remember daily:
Love your body more! Nourish it with goodness!
Shop the perimeter of the supermarket and not down the isles. There, you will find all of your processed foods. The perimeter holds the good ne ss.
You have the ability to rectify this by following several steps.
#1. Start by being true to yourself because it is YOU that has lost the control you once had.
Remember, Cancer feeds off of sugar!
Saturated fats and table salt are two of the main causes of high blood pressure and heart disease. Using sea salts or Himalayan pink salts cut down on the risk. STOP closet eating! There is a reason you crave unhealthy food, find out why.
#2. Discontinue being down on yourself and begin to rise. We are at the age where it is less important about being stick thin, yet being “healthy.” Simply put, are your numbers in rage for your age? Meaning, you need to know what your blood pres- sure average is, your triglyceride count, cholesterol (HDL and LDL), blood sugar, etc. This is called loving your body and sup- plying it with what it NEEDS, not what your tastebuds WANT. There are p rofessionals and resources all around us who are trained and willing to help you get back on top again. You sim- ply need to take the first steps of caring for yourself diligently.
Drink water, try a gallon a day!
Eat organically and support your local farmers.
#3. Regain your balance and be relentless about it.
Will it be a difficult journey? In the beginning, yes!
Will you struggle? Absolutely!
Will you want to quit? Many times. DON’T! Because you’re worth it!
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From the desk of WHEW WE:
We as women, tend to put everything and everyone before ourselves. If you’re like me, being a giver, we want to save the world. We listen to everyone’s problems and then we do everything possible to try and fix everyone’s problems. When it comes to our families, they get the majority of our time and energy, therefore, leaving none for us to take care of ourselves. When you give and give and give, at some point it will leave you depleted and feeling empty. You then start looking around for someone to pour back into you what you’ve given them, except there’s usually no one there. It’s in this moment you realize, “things have got to change!” Putting yourself first is imperative because what kind of person can you be to your spouse, your children, your friends, and other family members if you don’t take care of you. I’m just now at the point in my life where I’m starting to put myself first. It’s been a struggle for me because I would always feel guilty and say to myself, “I could be helping someone else, never mind me!” This has been a huge mistake because physi- cally, mentally and emotionally I’m drained! I was constantly looking around for friends and family to pick me up except no one was around to do that or shall I say, I expected to get what I’ve given to so many. That didn’t happen! Now at 50, I’ve learned that I have to take care of me first so that I can take care of others in a healthy manner. I stopped giving so much of myself because all it did was leave me with hurt feelings and bitter emotions. If I see something that I want I buy it, if I want to take a trip somewhere I go, I no longer wait for someone to ask me to do things. I am still a work in progress, but I definitely see the improvement that I’ve made and I will continue to work on me. Stop where you are right now, take a self- evaluation and figure out if you’re putting out more than you’re getting back. If you find that you’re always putting others first, learn to say NO, it’s okay if you do! The key is consistency and sticking to your guns. Mostly importantly spend some time with yourself, date yourself, and splurge on yourself and lastly LOVE YOURSELF!!!
Much Love-
LaVonne Sanders – Founder of WHEW WE
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Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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Model: Kelly Biggs Photographer: Funmi @Mangoisms Atlanta Hair by Liz @Heritage hair Salon Atlant a
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Best wishes to NuFocus Media and all that you do for the Star City. Continue to move forward and shine brightly. Your contribution to the community are a shining example of what can be accomplished with drive and determination!
Basil Bratton
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Res- ur-rected
Jun 2018, Timeless Edition
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“LewisGale Physicians General Surgery is now providing exceptional service for the SWVA area. Services include: cyst and le- sions removal, breast surgery, colon cancer, hernia, gallbladder, reflux disease, pancre- as and liver disease,”
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June 2018, Timeless Edition
Made with FlippingBook Annual report