Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
2. Students are not to be on school grounds before the opening or after the closing of school. Students who loiter at school after the close of their school day without specific need or supervision may be considered trespassers. 3. Any student who is requested by an administrator to leave school property is expected to do so immediately. Failure to do so may be considered trespassing. 4. No student or other person may attend or visit a Floyd County school as a guest during the regular school day without authorization from the school administration. Violations of these rules may be basis for long-term suspension or expulsion from school or prosecution in the courts. Principal’s Investigation In dealing with misconduct, the principal shall investigate the incident. All efforts shall be made to follow due process procedures to protect individual student rights. In-School Supervision In-school supervision is the removal of a student from his/her classes by the principal or other authorized school personnel for one or more days to another room on the school premises. The student is required to remain in that room under the supervision of the in-school supervision supervisor and is isolated from the other students for the assigned period of time. The student is required to do all classroom assignments, but will not be listed as absent from class, but present in school. Students will receive full credit for work completed while in In-School Supervision. This is an excused absence from class. Sending a Suspended Student Home During the School Day When a student is suspended, the principal shall attempt to reach the student’s parents or legal guardian to inform them of the school’s action and to request that they come to the school for their child. If a parent cannot come to school, the school shall make a reasonable effort to transport the student to his/her home, providing that a parent is there to receive him/her. If the principal cannot reach the parents or other responsible authorities, the student must remain on school property until the close of the school day. Notwithstanding, the above requirement that a suspended student be released only to a parent or other responsible authorities, the principal may order a student to leave the school premises immediately when the principal is faced with mass violations of school rules or dangerous and disruptive conduct not subject to normal disciplinary action, and it is not possible to keep the student on school grounds. Even in this case, distance to home and the age and sex of the individual child may require keeping him/her until his/her parents or other responsible authorities can be contacted. Student Suspension/Expulsion (refer to Policy JGD/JGE 6/18) I. DEFINITIONS As used in this Policy, “Alternative education program” includes night school, adult education, or another education program designed to offer instruction to students for whom the regular program of instruction may be inappropriate. “Destructive device” means (1) any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine, or other similar device; (2) any weapon, except a shotgun or a shotgun shell generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes, by whatever name known that will, or may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and that has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter that is homemade or was not made by a duly licensed weapon manufacturer, any fully automatic firearm, any sawed-off shotgun or sawed-off rifle as defined in Va. Code §18.2-299 or any firearm prohibited from civilian ownership by federal law; and (3) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described herein and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. “Destructive device” does not include any device that is not designed or redesigned for use as a weapon, or any device originally designed for use as a weapon and that is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line-
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