Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
1. Students who are found to have carried, brought, used, or possessed a controlled substance in violation of the school medication and drug policies, or imitation controlled substance, anabolic steroids, or marijuana, onto school property, in any school vehicle, or at any school sponsored activity may be expelled. 2. The School Board may determine, based on the facts of the particular case, that special circumstance exists and another disciplinary action is appropriate. In addition, the School Board may, by regulation authorize the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee to conduct a preliminary review of such cases to determine whether a disciplinary action other than expulsion is appropriate. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to require a student’s expulsion regardless of the facts of the particular situation. 3. Any student who violates this policy shall participate in the prevention and intervention activities in the Floyd County Public Schools’ drug and violence prevention plan. The School Board may require any student who is in possession of or under the influence of drugs at school or school-sponsored activities to: (1) undergo evaluation for drug abuse and (2) participate in a drug treatment program if recommended by the evaluator and if the student’s parent consents. C. Reporting Duties of the Principal and Superintendent The principal or designee reports all incidents required to be reported pursuant to section I of this policy to the Superintendent except as may otherwise be required by federal law, regulation, or jurisprudence, the principal immediately reports to local law-enforcement officials any acts which may constitute a criminal offense. The principal or principal’s designee notifies the parent of any student involved in an incident required to be reported pursuant to this policy, regardless of whether disciplinary action is taken against such student or the nature of the disciplinary action. Such notice relates to only the relevant student’s involvement and does not include information regarding other students. Controlled Substance, Imitation Controlled Substance or Marijuana K-12 Definition: Non-Controlled Substance and Alcohol The possession, use, and/or distribution of alcohol, and other non-controlled drugs on school grounds, on school buses, or during school activities, on or off school property is prohibited. This includes, but may not be limited to non-controlled look-alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, glue used abusively, paint, a drug not prescribed by a physician, and both prescription and non-prescription drugs if they are not taken according to the prescription drug’s directions on the package. In addition, a student who in any way encourages another student to bring drugs or alcohol to school also endangers the safety of others. Such conduct is expressly prohibited under this policy. Any student who shall knowingly or willfully cause, encourage, or aid any other student to possess, handle, bring, or transmit any of the drugs or alcohol listed above shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, as recommended by the principal, in accordance with this Student Handbook. (CLA, JFCH/GBEC/KGC, JFCH-R/GBEC- R/KGC-R, JFCI, JFC-R, JGD, JGDA, JGE) E. Disposition: 1. A student who is found to have carried, brought, used, or possessed a drug or alcohol in violation of the school medication and drug policies or has encouraged another student to have carried, brought, used or possessed a drug shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, as recommended by the principal in accordance with this Student Handbook. ANY OFFENSE 1. 2. 3. 4. Student conference Parent conference Substance abuse and/or general counseling 10 days Out-of-School Suspension 5. Notify legal authorities 6. Recommend expulsion 7. Random drug screening may be required D.
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