Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
This policy and applicable regulations shall not be limited in their application to bus riding privileges alone, but shall also extend to all division provided or supervised transportation. Disorderly conduct by students at bus stops shall be reported and acted upon in the same manner as misconduct on buses. Nothing contained in this policy shall preclude the imposition of other disciplinary measures as appropriate, including suspension or expulsion from school, in accordance with other division policies and procedures. Floyd County Public Schools requests that parents or their designee accompany young children to and from the bus stop. • Field Trips and extracurricular activities • School buses used for field trips and extracurricular activities will be under the direction of the field trip or extracurricular activity’s supervising teacher. C. Disposition: (see table) Conduct on School Buses
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Student conference Parent contact
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Student conference May contact parent
May assign seat or suspension from bus
May assign seat or suspension from bus
May send letter to parent(s)
Alternative recommendation for students with disabilities
Alternative recommendation for students with disabilities
Student conference Parent contact
Student conference Parent contact
May assign seat or suspension from bus
May assign seat or suspension from bus
Letter to parent(s)
Alternative recommendation for students with disabilities
Alternative recommendation for students with disabilities
Student conference Parent contact
Student conference Parent contact
May assign seat or suspension from bus
May assign seat or suspension from bus
Letter to parent(s)
Letter to parent(s)
Alternative recommendation for students with disabilities May recommend suspension from bus for up to 180 school days
Alternative recommendation for students with disabilities May recommend suspension from bus for up to 180 school days
DISRUPTIVE CONDUCT/HAZING/ASSAULT AND BATTERY/FIGHTING (JFC-R 06/17) A. Definitions: Disruptive Conduct: Any behavior as determined by the classroom teacher, administration or other school staff that disrupts the school and/or learning environment. Hazing: Students who intimidate or otherwise mistreat any employee, student, or other person causing bodily injury are subject to suspension, expulsion, or criminal prosecution. Assault and Battery: Assault and battery is any physical confrontation that may result in no injury, minor injury, or serious injury to any employee, student, or other person that includes, but may not be limited to, kicking, shoving, pushing, hitting, and fighting. B. General: A student should not, by use of violence, force, noise, coercion, intimidation, bullying, fear, passive resistance or other conduct, intentionally cause or participate in the disruption of any function of the school. Students shall not urge other students to engage in such conduct for the purpose of disruption
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