Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
Internet and E-mail Acceptable Use Violations
1. Student-teacher conference 2. May revoke access privileges 3. May notify administration 4. May contact parent 5. May contact legal authority 6. May result in up to 10 days of ISS or OSS 1. Student-teacher conference 2. May revoke access privileges 3. May notify administration 4. May contact parent 5. May contact legal authority 6. May result in up to 10 days of ISS or OSS 1. Student-teacher conference 2. May revoke access privileges 3. May notify administration 4. May contact parent 5. May contact legal authority 6. May result in up to 10 days of ISS or OSS
1. Student-teacher conference 2. May revoke access privileges 3. May notify administration 4. May contact parent 5. May contact legal authority 6. May result in up to 10 days of ISS or OSS 1. Student-teacher conference 2. May revoke access privileges 3. May notify administration 4. May contact parent 5. May contact legal authority 6. May result in up to 10 days of ISS or OSS 1. Student-teacher conference 2. May revoke access privileges 3. Notify administration 4. Parent contact 5. May contact legal authority 6. May result in up to 10 days of ISS or OSS
Additional Offenses
Revoke Access privileges, school disciplinary action, and appropriate legal action.
CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES (JFCC 6/09, JFCC-R 7/13) A. Definition: Any behavior (as determined by the school bus driver or other school staff) that disrupts the school bus environment. B. General: The Floyd County Public Schools operate a free bus service. For reasons of safety, students are expected to be reasonably quiet and orderly while loading, riding, and unloading the bus. This bus service is a “privilege and not a right,” and the Floyd County School Board requires students to follow standards which insure the safety of all concerned. Students may be video -taped at any time on the school bus. Violations of school bus policy and regulations for students riding school buses may result in loss of privilege to ride the bus and/or may result in consequences for the offense as found elsewhere in the Student Handbook. If a student’s riding privileges are suspended or revoked, the student’s parents are responsible for seeing that the student gets to and from school safely. Bus discipline may be carried into the next school year. Students are to pay for any damage they do to a school bus in addition to disciplinary action taken by the principal. Driving a school bus requires the bus driver’s full attention. Any incident that causes a bus driver to divert attention from their primary responsibility may jeopardize the safety and well-being of the students. You are urged to be supportive of both the action taken by the driver and the corrective action taken by the administration. The following rules must be observed on the bus: 1. The bus driver is responsible for the safety of all passengers. Students must follow instructions given by the driver, including the assignment of seats. 2. Students must not disturb the bus drivers while they are driving. Student expectations follow: a. Students should stay in their seat and not change seats. b. Student should remain seated while the bus is in motion. c. Students should keep voices at a reasonable level - no shouting or whistling. d. Rough-housing, pushing, fighting, throwing items, or hazing are unacceptable behaviors. e. Students should enter and leave bus in an orderly fashion. f. Students should keep all parts of the body inside bus at all times. g. Students should be at bus stop five (5) minutes before bus arrives. Schedules will be followed. h. Students shall not have glass containers on bus. 3. If it is necessary for a student to change buses at a school other than his/her own, he/she is subject to the necessary rules, regulations, and procedures outlined by the principal of that school.
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