Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
29. Vandalism Students shall not willfully or maliciously damage or deface any school building or other property owned or under the control of the School Board. In addition, students shall not willfully or maliciously damage or deface property belonging to or under the control of any other person at school, on a school bus or at school- sponsored events. Reproduction and use of Copyrighted Materials (refer to Policy EGAA 4/14) The reproduction and use of copyrighted materials, including computer software, electronic materials, video tapes, compact discs, laser discs and other non-print materials, are controlled by federal law. In general, copyright owners have the exclusive right to use, reproduce, and modify their materials. Federal law does provide limited exceptions to this general rule which permit the reproduction and use of copyrighted materials in some circumstances. The superintendent is responsible for promoting an understanding of the applicable law among staff members and students. The Floyd County School Board encourages its staff and students to enrich the educational experience by making proper use of supplementary materials. However, each staff member and student is responsible for complying with copyright law and with any regulations or procedures developed by the Superintendent. Any employee or student who is uncertain as to whether reproducing or using copyrighted materials complies with the division procedures or is permissible under law should contact the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction who will provide clarification and assist staff members and students in obtaining proper authorization to copy or use protected material when such authorization is required. At no time is it necessary for a staff member to violate copyright laws in order to properly perform his or her duties. At no time is it necessary for a student to violate copyright laws in order to complete any assigned work. For staff members, violation of copyright laws or division requirements may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment. For students, violation of copyright laws or division requirements may result in discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion. SECTION 2: CONDUCT AND CONSEQUENCES Procedural Rules for Dealing with Disciplinary Violations (excerpt from Policy JFC-R 06/17) Corrective Actions The following corrective actions are among those available to the school administration for violation of the Standards of Student Conduct. The facts and circumstances of each offense are considered fully in determining reasonable corrective actions. 1. Counseling 2. Admonition 3. Reprimand 4. Loss of privileges, including access to the school division’s computer system 5. Parental conferences 6. Modification of student classroom assignment or schedule 7. Student behavior contract 8. Referral to student assistance services 9. Removal from class 10. Initiation of child study process 11. Referral to in-school intervention, mediation, or community service programs 12. Tasks or restrictions assigned by the principal or his/her designee 13. Detention after school or before school 14. Suspension from school-sponsored activities or events prior to, during, or after the regular school day 15. In-school suspension 16. Out-of-School suspension 19. Recommendation for expulsion including recommendation for expulsion for possessing a firearm, destructive device, firearm muffler, firearm silencer or pneumatic gun on school property or at a school- sponsored event and recommendation for expulsion for having brought a controlled substance, imitation controlled substance, marijuana onto school property or to a school sponsored activity 17. Referral to an alternative education program 18. Notification of legal authority where appropriate
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