Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
be obtained, the person so enrolling the pupil shall submit an affidavit setting forth the pupil’s age and explaining the inability to present a certified copy of the birth record. If the school division cannot ascertain a child’s age because of the lack of a birth
No pupil shall be admitted for the first time to any public kindergarten or elementary school in Floyd School Division unless such pupil furnishes, prior to admission: (1) a report from a qualified licensed physician, or a licensed nurse practitioner or licensed physician assistant acting under the supervision of a licensed physician, of a comprehensive
physical examination of a scope prescribed by the State Health Commissioner performed within the 12 months prior to the date such pupil first enters such public kindergarten or elementary school; or
(2) records establishing that such pupil furnished such report upon prior admission to another school or school division and providing the information contained in such report.
No pupil shall be admitted for the first time to any public school in any school division in Virginia unless the person enrolling the pupil presents, upon admission, a certified copy of the pupil’s birth
record. The principal or his designee shall record the official state birth number from the pupil’s birth record into the pupil’s permanent school record. If a certified copy of the pupil’s birth record cannot
certificate, the child shall nonetheless be admitted into the public schools if the division superintendent determines that the person submitting the affidavit presents information sufficient to estimate with reasonable certainty the age of such child.
Parents are requested to bring the child’s birth certificate. Parents who do not have birth certificates may obtain one by writing to the Office of Vital Records in the state where the child was born.
Applications for a birth certificate must include the child’s name, date, place of birth and the mother’s full name, including her maiden name. In Virginia, a check or money order in the amount of $12 must be mailed with the application to: Office of Vital Records P. O. Box 1000 Richmond, VA 23218-1000.
Parents are also requested to bring the child’s immunization record and a current health physical examination on the required form. Applications for social security cards will be available at the time of
registration for those who do not have one. Health physical examination forms are available at most doctors’ offices and at the Floyd County Health Department. Copies of the form will also be available at school on the day of registration.
If you have any questions, please contact the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Innovation at 745-9400 or the principal of the school for your attendance area.
Tentative Test Dates for SOL FALL – WRITING
SUMMER – NON-WRITING June 15-19, 2020 SUMMER WRITING July 13 - 31, 2020
and Term Graduates
Grade 8, End-of-Course December 2-19, 2019
May 4 – May 22, 2020
March 2 – April 3, 2020
Tentative Screening Dates for PALS
October 21- November 8, 2019
Grades 1-3: April 27 – May 8, 2020 Kindergarten: May 11 - 22, 2020
Grades 1-3: January 7 – 21, 2020 Kindergarten: January 16 – 30, 2020
Grade 8, End-of-Course & Graduating Seniors FALL NON-WRITING, FIRST SEMESTER
SPRING NON-WRITING, YEAR END SEMESTER Grade 8, End-of-Course & Elementary Grades 3 - 7
Grades 1-3: August 27 – September 10, 2019 Kindergarten: September 24 – October 7, 2019
Grade 5, (Local Assessment) Grade 8, End-of-Course (Grade 10)
Floyd County Pre-K and Kindergarten registration will be held at each elementary school during the months of February and March. The dates and times will be announce in January.
The kindergarten registration program at each school will include a general session for parents to complete registration forms, meet some members of the school staff,
discuss school policies and visit the kindergarten rooms. Activities for the children will be conducted by the kindergarten teachers in their classrooms. The pre- kindergarten registration at each school will include an opportunity for parents to complete applications and ask questions of pre-kindergarten staff.
SOL TESTING INFORMATION The Virginia Standards of Learning tests are given in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. High school students take state End of Course tests. These tests are given in the areas of reading, math, science and history. These un-timed tests are competency based and are correlated to the state’s standards of learning. Test results are sent to parents in a document called Report to Parents: Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments . The report includes: A listing of the tests taken, such as reading, math, science and history; The number of questions the student answered correctly for each test, as well as the total number of test questions; A summary of the student’s performance for each test on a scale from 0-600. A student must FILE:IKH
OTHER TYPES OF RETAKES Students who fail an SOL test and need the verified credit for graduation may retake an SOL test at the next scheduled test administration. Students seeking a Modified Standard Diploma may continue to retake the 8 th grade English/Reading and Math SOL tests at each administration until they receive a passing grade.
specific information related to reporting categories on SOL tests. 3-8 and EOC students who fail an SOL test are eligible for an Expedited Retake if they meet the following criteria: Have passed the class associated with the test, and One of the following : Failed the test by a score of 375-399 Had a documented extenuating circumstance that prevented him/her from performing at the expected level and/or
receive a score of 400 or higher to pass the tests. If a student scores 500 or more, he or she is considered to have performed at an advanced level, while a student scoring between 0-399 is considered to have failed the test. A Student Report is also provided to parents. This contains EXPEDITED RETAKES
There was a significant discrepancy between the student’s SOL test score and his/her typical academic performance and/or Must pass the test in order to graduate
Parents may request information regarding our testing policies by contacting Tammy Huff, Director of Federal Programs, Assessment & Literacy Programs at 540-745-9419.
Parents of eligible students in grades 3-8 will be notified (a) of the opportunity to retake the test(s); (b) that the decision not to retake any or all of the test(s) will not impact their child’s grade or academic record; and (c) of the opt-in requirement.
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