Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
Parental Statement of Receipt of Notice of Requirements of VA Code §22.1-279.3, School Board’s Standards of Student Conduct, Wellness Policy and Student Handbook
I am the parent/guardian of the below named child(ren) and, by my signature, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of Section 22.1-279.3 of the Code of Virginia entitled “Parental Responsibility and Involvement Requirements,” a copy of the Floyd County School Board’s Standards of Student Conduct, Wellness Policy and Student Handbook from my child’s school. I have read these regulations and understand that access to the computer system is intended for educational purposes and the Floyd County School Division has taken precautions to eliminate inappropriate material. I also recognize, however, that it is impossible for the Floyd County School Division to restrict access to all inappropriate material and I will not hold the Floyd County School Division responsible for information acquired on the computer system. I have discussed the terms of this agreement, policy and regulation with my child(ren). I grant permission for my student to use the computer system and for the School Division to issue an account for my student.
Signature of Parent
Student Name(s)
Notice to Parent/Guardian By signing the above statement of receipt, you shall not be deemed to waive, and you expressly reserve, your rights to be protected by the constitutions or laws of the United States or the Commonwealth, and you have the right to express disagreement with the schools’ or school division’s policies or decisions. Please remove, sign, and return to school within five days of receipt. (Only one form is required per family.)
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