Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
FLOYD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 140 Harris Hart Road, NE Floyd, Virginia 24091 Telephone: (540) 745-9400 Fax: (540) 745-9496 OBJECTION TO RELEASE OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC
Student’s Name____________________________ School Name______________________________ A. Objection to release of any Directory Information (Comprehensive Opt-Out) To: (principal’s name)____________________(school name)______________ I object to the release of directory information (name, address, phone number, participation in school activities and sports, honors and awards, height and weight of athletic team members, dates of attendance, school grade, photographs, and other images) about my child. I understand this means exclusion from school documents that typically are made public, such as yearbooks, graduation programs, honor roll and other recognition lists, and sports activity and theatrical programs. I also understand that this means exclusion of my child’s name, address and phone number from the school directory, from other documents relating to school-related organizations and activities, and from county agencies. Finally, I understand this means that my child will not be included in any video tape, audio tape or still photographs with the exception of state alternate testing for special education, 504 or limited English proficient students. Parent (Guardian) Signature_________________________________________ Date ________________ By choosing the option above, you have automatically selected all four choices below. You do not need to proceed to the limited opt-out options section. Check as many option boxes as fits your needs. B. Participate in school related directories only, do not release to outside school organizations: You may not release directory information (name, address, and telephone number) to the press, non-school related organizations such as the recreation department and the general public. I understand that school-related organizations such as the PTA, booster clubs, and school organizations in general will still have access to this information. (This choice does not exclude your child from the school and school related directories.) C. Participate in school related directories only, do not release to state or county agencies: You may not provide address and telephone numbers; parent or guardian name, address, and phone number; and demographic information to state and county agencies. (This choice does not exclude your child from the school and school related directories.) D. Participate in school related directories only, do not release for any Floyd County Public Schools production: You may not feature my child’s name, likeness, or voice in any videotape, television, motion picture, audio recording, broadcast, or still photograph production that will be produced by and available to the public from Floyd County Public Schools or ( to the extent that access is within Floyd County Public Schools control during school hours) the media. (This choice does not exclude your child from the yearbook nor Virginia High School League sanctioned activities.) E. Denial of Access to Military Recruiters (High School use only) Do not release name, address and telephone number of my child to military recruiters during the school year. I understand that once this has been checked and signed by either my child or myself, only a parent may change it. I also understand that if I want to change it, the parent must notify the principal in writing that the form is no longer in effect and that the student information may be released.
Parent (Guardian) Signature_________________________________________ Date ________________
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