February 2022
Shelia Vernon 336-325-8099 sheliavernon2@gmail.com
John Collins 336-374-0406 johnkcollins101@gmail.com
Bobbie Collins 336-374-9063 chomestead@aol.com
Haley S. Gammons 336-429-1630 haley.cassell3@gmail.com
1054944 - IdeallylocatedcommercialpropertywithroadfrontageonGeneHillRoadadja- cent to 89Wand Hwy I74withmunicipal water and sewer available and 2.17 acres mostly clearedwithsmall scrubpines. Locatedjustoffthefour lanesectionofHwy89acrossfrom the James River John Deer Equipment Co. with easy access to Hwy 77 for North and South travel and Hwy 52 South to Interstate 40 inWinston Salem for East andWest. $200,000 REDUCED - 991647 - CEDAR RIDGE LANE - 15.855 acres of vacant land with some single or multiple building sites. Some distant mountain views. $57,900 1049886 - 0 Foothill Farm Lane - Nice building lot in Pilot Mtn. 1.61 acres. Call us for deed restrictions. $30,000 1038231 - Wandering Walk Rd - Lot #25 - 1.96 acre wooded building lot on Wandering Walk Rd. $26,000 1038232 - WanderingWalk Rd - Lot #24 -1.19 acre wooded building lot onWandering Walk Rd. $14,000 1038226 - WANDERING WALK RD-LOT #18 - .9 acre wooded building lot at corner of Flippen Rd and Wandering Walk Rd. Small branch runs across bottom corner of lot. $12,000 PENDING
1034876 - 00 PRICE STREET - Lot near S. South Street, Rockford Street, and W. Pine Street, located inthecityofMountAiry. Convenient tohospital,AndyGriffithPlayhouse, Amphitheatre, and walkways. City water and sewer available. $10,900 1037472 - 0000 MOUNTAIN CREST RD - JONESVILLE - Nice .47 acre lot in Mountain Crest Development. Convenient to Jonesville, Elkin and I-77. $6,500 962172 - 18MOUNTAINVIEWDRIVE - Very nicebuilding lot in a gated communitywith community water. Home must be stick built, no less than 800 sq ft single story or no less than 1200 sq ft two story. Subject HOA. $7,000 902625 - N MORGAN - LOWGAP - 0.45 Ac lot in gated Mtn View Estates community. Stick built only. $5,000 7 HILLSIDE LOT - 0.88 Ac. Nice wooded lot in gated Mtn View Estates community in beautiful Lowgap. Stick built only . $5,000 8 HILLSIDE LOT - LOWGAP - 0.93 Ac. - Nice wooded lot in gated Mtn View Estates community. Stick built only. $5,000 SOLD
CALL US TO LIST TODAY! 336-789-1655
Big Time Music, Small Town Charm i i e sic, ll
Big Time Music, Small T
Sam Bush
Lodging, dining and other events available at: Feb. 12
Lonesome River Band Lonesome River Band Mt. Airy’s Historic Earle
Dailey & Vincent March 12 Dailey & Vincent March 12
Sam Bush Feb. 12 Sam Bush Feb. 12
April 30 April 30
Mt. Airy’s Historic Earle Theatre t. iry’s istoric arle Theatre For info & tickets: SurryArts.org or (336) 786-7998
Dailey & Vincent
For info & tickets: SurryArts.org or (336) 786-7998 For info & tickets: SurryArts.org or (336) 786-7998
March 12
5 Lodging, dining and other events available at: VisitMayberry.com Lodging, dining and other events available at: VisitMayberry.com
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