February 2022
850 Chapman Rd. Wytheville, VA 276 228 3242 • FAX 228 6703
Sherry Long REALTOR® 276-620-6333 Sherry@SherryRLong.com
Kevin Dalton Associate Broker, Auctioneer 276-620-4838 Kevin@Dalton2.com
Debbie Jones REALTOR® 276-389-4219 Debbie@DebbieCJones.com
Mitch Anders Associate Broker 276-724-0166 Mitch@MitchAnders.com
Tommy & Gena Anders Broker, REALTOR® 276-620-7704 TAnders@AndersRealty.com Gena@GenaAnders.com
“We Are Happy To Be Your Trusted Real Estate Professionals”
Lynn Stone REALTOR® 276-620-2901 lynnkstone@gmail.com
Stephanie Salyers REALTOR® 276-791-9141 slzlady@icloud.com
Randy Pugh REALTOR® 276-613-9091 pugh957@gmail.com
MLS81159 $325,000 Professional/Office Building, 4800 Sq. Ft., .46 acre lot, former physician’s office, great potential, 2400 finished sq. ft. with 5 restrooms, 2400 unfinished space with garage door, 25+ parking spaces, near local industry, shopping and interstate. Rural Retreat
MLS81196 $635,000 144.8 Acres, wooded tract, hunting/recreational, residential development potential, nice homesites overlooking Wytheville, paved road frontage, abundance of wildlife, located minutes from downtown and the Big Survey. Wytheville
MLS80977 $599,900 52 Acre Farm with 3 BR, 2 BA, 2408 Sq. Ft., one level living home, covered concrete back porch w/views, detached garage, metal barn w/3 bays & multiple doors, open fenced acreage, wooded timber land, creek. Wytheville
LOOKINGTO SELL?? GIVE USACALL! 276 228 3242 Lower interest rates, abundance of buyers!
MLS80920 $10,900 Building lot in town with public utilities available, mostly level, cleared, close to schools and town amenities. Wytheville
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