FY22 financial report print.indd

Virginia Tech Financial Report 2021-2022

Virginia Tech Foundation Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets For year ended June 30, 2022 (all dollars in thousands)

Operating revenues

Gifts and contributions Auxiliary enterprise revenue Hotel Roanoke



23,034 1,555 43,952 26,819 226,617 5,114 7,012 5,238 64,704 26,527 16,766 7,184 7,104 8,683 36,369 14,244 1,904 11,149 20,817 232,815 20,842 (81,802) (9,417) (70,377) (76,575) (10,947) 18,736 (6,198)

River Course Other revenues

Rental income


Total operating revenues

Operating expenses Instruction Public service Academic support Institutional support Research

Other university programs


Management and general

Operation and maintenance of plant Operation and maintenance of plant

Research cost centers Student financial assistance

Auxiliary enterprises Hotel Roanoke

River Course

Depreciation expense

Other expenses

Total operating expenses

Operating income (loss)

Non-operating revenues (expenses) Investment income, net

Net losses on investments

Interest expense on debt related to capital assets

Net non-operating revenues

Income before other revenues, expenses, gains, or losses

Change in valuation of split interest agreements

Capital grants and gifts

Gain on disposal of capital assets Additions to permanent endowments Loss on extinguishment of debt

1,706 53,293


Other revenues (expenses)


Total other revenues, expenses, gains, or losses


Net Position Increase (decrease) in net position Net position - beginning of year


1,729,845 1,715,281


Net position - end of year


Notes to Financial Statements

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