FY22 financial report print.indd
Virginia Tech Financial Report 2021-2022
political subdivisions. The GLI program was established under §51.1-500 et seq., Code of Virginia , as amended, which provides the authority under which benefit terms are established or may be amended. The GLI program is a defined benefit plan that provides a group life insurance benefit for employees of participating employers. State Employee Health Insurance Credit Program – The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) State Employee Health Insurance Credit (HIC) program is a single-employer plan that is presented as a multiple-employer, cost-sharing plan. The HIC program was established under §51.1-1400 et seq., Code of Virginia , as amended, which provides the authority under which benefit terms are established or may be amended. The HIC program is a defined benefit plan that provides credit toward the cost of health insurance cover age for retired state employees. Line of Duty Act Program – The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Line of Duty Act (LODA) program is a multiple-employer, cost-sharing plan. The LODA program was established under §9.1-400 et seq., Code of Virginia , as amended, which provides the authority under which benefit terms are established or may be amended. The LODA program provides death and health insurance benefits to eligible state employees and local government employees, including volunteers, who die or become disabled as a result of the performance of their duties as public safety officers. In addition, health insurance benefits are provided to eligible survivors and family members. VRS Disability Insurance Program – The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Disability Insurance Program (Virginia Sickness and Disability Program, VSDP) is a single-employer plan that is presented as a multiple-employer, cost-sharing plan. The VSDP program was established under §51.1-1100 et seq., Code of Virginia , as amended, which provides the authority under which benefit terms are established or may be amended. The VSDP pro gram is a managed care program that provides sick, family and personal leave and short-term and long-term disability benefits for state police officers, state employees and VaLORS employees. For measuring the net liability of these OPEB programs, the expenses, de ferred outflows and inflows of resources, information about and additions to or deductions from their net fiduciary positions have been determined on the same basis as reported by VRS. In addition, benefit payments for these programs are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the benefit terms. Investments are reported at fair value. Accrued Compensated Absences Certain salaried employees’ attendance and leave regulations make pro visions for the granting of a specified number of days of leave with pay each year. The amount reflects all unused vacation leave and sabbatical leave, as well as the amount payable upon termination under the Com monwealth of Virginia’s sick leave payout policy. The applicable share of employer-related taxes payable on the eventual termination payments is also included. The university’s liability and expense for the amount of leave earned by employees, but not taken, as of June 30, 2022, is recorded in the Statement of Net Position and is included in the various functional categories of operating expenses in the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position . Unearned Revenues Unearned revenue represents revenue collected but not earned as of June 30, 2022, primarily composed of revenue for grants and contracts, prepaid athletic ticket sales, and prepaid student tuition and fees. Summer Session I tuition and fees received during the fiscal year are considered earned at the end of the refund period, approximately June 15th of each year. Tuition and fees received before year end for Summer Session II are unearned and recognized as revenue in the next fiscal year. Summer Session III is twelve weeks long and spans across fiscal years 2022 and 2023. The tuition and fees received for Summer Session III are considered half earned by June 30th, and half unearned and recognized as revenue in the next fiscal year. See Note 9 for a detailed list of unearned revenue amounts.
Funds Held in Custody for Others Funds held in custody for others represents funds held by the university on behalf of others as a result of agency relationships with various groups and organizations. Noncurrent Liabilities Noncurrent liabilities include: (1) the principal amounts of revenue bonds payable, notes payable, and finance purchase obligations with maturities greater than one year; (2) long-term lease obligations; (3) pension plan liabilities; (4) OPEB liabilities; and (5) estimated amounts for accrued compensated absences and other liabilities that will not be paid within the next fiscal year. Net Position The university’s net position is classified as follows: Net investment in capital assets – Net investment in capital assets represents the university’s total investment in capital assets, net of accumulated depre ciation and outstanding debt obligations related to those capital assets. To the extent debt has been incurred but not yet expended for capital assets, such amounts are not included as a component of net investment in capital assets. Restricted component of net position, expendable – The expendable category of the restricted component of net position includes resources for which the university is legally or contractually obligated to spend in accordance with restrictions imposed by external third parties. Restricted component of net position, nonexpendable – The nonexpendable category of the restricted component of net position is comprised of endowment and similar type funds where donors or other external sources have stipulated, as a condition of the gift instrument, that the principal is to be maintained inviolate and in perpetuity, and invested to produce present and future income to be expended or added to principal. Unrestricted component of net position – Unrestricted net position represents resources derived from student tuition and fees, state appropriations, recoveries of facilities and administrative (indirect) costs, and sales and ser vices of educational departments and auxiliary enterprises. These resources are used for transactions relating to educational departments and general operations of the university and may be used at the discretion of the uni versity’s board of visitors to meet current expenses for any lawful purpose. When an expense is incurred that can be paid using either restricted or un restricted resources, the university’s policy is to apply the expense towards restricted resources before unrestricted resources. Income Taxes The university is considered an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, as such, is exempt from federal income tax under Section 115(a) of the Internal Revenue Code . Classifications of Revenues and Expenses The university has classified its revenues as either operating or non-oper ating revenues according to the following criteria: Operating revenues – Operating revenues include activities that have the characteristics of exchange transactions, such as (1) student tuition and fees, net of scholarship allowance; (2) sales and services of auxiliary enterprises, net of scholarship allowance; (3) most federal, state, local and nongovernmental grants and contracts and federal appropriations; and (4) interest on institutional student loans. Non-operating revenues – Non-operating revenues are revenues received for which goods and services are not provided. State appropriations, gifts, and other revenue sources that are defined as non-operating revenues by GASB Statement 9, Reporting Cash Flows of Proprietary and Nonexpendable Trust Funds and Governmental Entities That Use Proprietary Fund Accounting , and GASB Statement 34, Basic Financial Statements-and Management’s Discussion and Analysis—for State and Local Governments are included in this category. Operating and non-operating expenses – Non-operating expenses include in terest on debt related to the purchase of capital assets, and losses on dispos al of capital assets. All other expenses are classified as operating expenses.
Notes to Financial Statements
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