Christiansburg has an area of 14,144 square miles and a population of approximately 22,000. Website: christiansburg.org. Town Council meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays each month, 7 pm, and are open to the public. Meetings are broadcast on Channel 190, Shentel. Mayor Term Expires D. Michael Barber, 365 Tomahawk Dr. 381-0060 12/31/17 mbarber@christiansburg.org Vice Mayor Samuel M. Bishop, 440 Atkinson Road 382-5521 12/31/19 sbishop@christiansburg.org Council Members Harry Collins, 450 Tower Road 815-1126 12/31/19 hcollins@christiansburg.org R. Cord Hall 145 Sage Lane 381-0707 12/31/17 chall@christiansburg.org Steve Huppert, 440 Summit Ridge Rd. 382-6593 12/31/17 shuppert@christiansburg.org Henry Showalter, 455 Overhill Road 449-1749 12/31/19 hshowalter@christiansburg.org Bradford J. “Brad” Stipes , 130 Cedar Bluff 381-0784 12/31/17 bstipes@christiansburg.org Administration Municipal Building, 382-6128 100 East Main Street, Christiansburg, VA 24073 Town Manager Steve Biggs 382-6128 Ext 16 Assistant Town Manager Randy Wingfield 382-6128 Ext 19 Assistant to Town Mger Adam Carpenetti 382-6128 Ext 163 Engineering-Special Projects Wayne O. Nelson 382-6120 Ext.147 Clerk of Council Michele Stipes 382-6128 Attorney Guynn & Waddell 540 387-2320 Chief Financial Officer Valerie Tweedie 382-9519 Ext 123 Building Official Jerry Heinline 382-6120 Ext 152 Building Inspectors Bill Aldridge 382-6120 Ext 186 William Yager 382-6120 Ext 181 382-4388 Parks and Recreation Director Brad Epperley 382-2349 Ext 2001 Director of Public Works Jim Lancianese 382-6120 or 4581 Waste Treatment Plant Supt Ryan Hendrix 382-8221 Rescue Squad Captain Joe Coyle 382-9131 Planning Director Andrew Warren 382-6120 Ext 130 Dir. Human Resources Dave Brahmstadt 382-6128 Ext 148 Dir. Public Relations Melissa Powell 382-6128 Ext 150 Christiansburg Planning Commission Craig Moore, Chair, cmoore@christiansburg.org Jennifer Sowers, Vice Chair, jsowers@christiansburg.org Sara Morgan, Secretary, smorgan@christiansburg.org Matthew Beasley, mbeasley@christiansburg.org Ann H. Carter, ahcarter@christiansburg.org David Franusich, dfranusich@christiansburg.org Hil Johnson, hjohnson@christiansburg.org Tacy Newell, tnewell@christiansburg.org Harry Collins, Town Council Liaison, hcollins@christiansburg.org Chief of Police Mark Sisson 382-3131 Chief, Fire Department/Marshall Billy Hanks
2017 Directory of Public Officials and Government Offices 11
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