Energy Update Summer2019
Rise and Shine Market is a youth-led market. It’s goal is to cultivate young Appalachian entrepreneurs (ages 8-18) and provide an inspiring and encouraging venue to showcase their talents and trades. The Rise and Shine Market brought a variety of youth entrepreneurs in its first year selling produce, handmade crafts, baked goods, and photography and will surely impress shoppers again this year. Go and be delighted - Jun 15, July 13, Aug 10 - 9AM - 12PM at the Stuart Farmers Market at 320 Chestnut Street in Stuart. PATRICK COUNTY BARN QUILT TRAIL The Patrick County Barn Quilt Trail was created to promote tourism in Patrick County and connect to surrounding barn quilt trail counties including Stokes and Henry. This project successfully brought over 140 community members to painting workshops over the course of a year and Patrick County now has over 40 barn quilts installed and more to follow! PATRICK COUNTY TRAIL HANDS The Trail HANDS project showcases trails in a way that encourages vis- itors and locals to get outside to celebrate Patrick County’s beautiful natural resources and learn about the rich heritage that surrounds us. Trail HANDS promotes tourism, economic development and celebrates
art while encouraging healthier lifestyles.
In April 2019 we had our second AIR Shift Workshop with another great group of community-minded participants - you will enjoy seeing the three teams’ new projects unfold including Taking Root Community Garden, PC YEP - a Youth entrepreneurship program for high school students, and a Mobile Heritage & Cultural Unit!
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