Elect No Strangers 2019
76th District Part of Chesapeake and Suffolk
Jones, S . Chris (Republican)* P.O. Box 5058 Suffolk, VA 23435 757.483.6242 hod76@schrisjones.com www.schrisjones.com Jenkins, Clinton (Democrat) P.O. Box 4305 Suffolk, VA 23434 clintjenkins@aol.com www.clintonforvirginia.com
77th District Part of Chesapeake
Hayes, Cliff (Democrat)* P.O. Box 5142 Chesapeake, VA 23324 757.364.0272
vote@cliffhayes.com www.Cliffhayes.com
78th District Part of Chesapeake
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr. (Republican)* 308 Cedar Lakes Drive • Third Floor Chesapeake, VA 23322 757.382.4156 del.j.leftwich@gmail.com www.jayleftwich.com
79th District Part of Chesapeake, Norfolk and Portsmouth Heretick, Steve (Democrat)*
715 Loudoun Avenue Portsmouth, VA 23707 757.397.9923 steve@heretickfordelegate.com www.steveheretick.com
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