Elect No Strangers 2019
Virginia’s Directory of Candidates for Public Office 2019
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Contents Elect No Strangers!. 2 Associations . 3 Senate Candidates. 4 House Candidates. 20 Eateries Rueger’s Restaurant & Bar 901 Bank Street, Richmond • 804.343.7300 (Inside The Commonwealth) Hotels Berkeley Hotel (Per diem rates offered, restrictions apply) 804.780.1300 • 1200 East Cary Street, Richmond The Commonwealth (Per diem rates offered, restrictions apply) 804.343.7300 • 901 Bank Street, Richmond Adjacent to General Assembly Delta Hotels by Marriott Richmond Downtown (Special Session rates available) 804.788.0900 • 555 East Canal Street, Richmond Linden Row Inn (Special Session rates available) 804.225.5841 • 100 East Franklin Street, Richmond Services Gus’s Shoe Repair 528 East Main Street, Richmond • 804.782.6959 www.shoerepairrichmond.com This marks our 29th year of publishing this guide to Virginia elections. We thank the candidates who responded to our requests for information.
Elect No Strangers, 2019 Volume 29–Copyright ©2019 David L. Bailey
A nonpartisan annual publication dedicated to a more informed electorate, seeking neither the re-election nor the defeat of any candidate. Published by Virgnia Capitol Connections A Public Relations Firm www.vccqm.org • 1108 East Main Street • Suite 1200 Richmond, VA 23219 • 804.643.5554
Elect No Strangers! Every year since 1990 David Bailey Associates has published Elect No Strangers to help interested Virginians become acquainted with candidates for the General Assembly. Thirty years ago (1989) in an attempt to write a haiku, I penned the words that became the title for this directory of candidates. Elect No Strangers! If possible, elect friends. If not, make friends of those elected. David Bailey This directory includes candidates listed in the order that they will appear on the ballot for the statewide candidates and the House of Delegates and the Senate. However prior to 60 days before the November 5th election, party nominees that withdraw may be replaced by new candidates. Our staff sought to reach every candidate, and in most instances this occurred. However when this was not possible, we chose to include the information from the Virginia Department of Elections and or the Virginia Public Access Project. We thank the Democratic and Republican Caucus staff for their assistance. Note that asterisks(*) indicate incumbents. Official information regarding the November election is available from local registrars and from the State Department of Elections web site, www.elections.virginia.gov . Another excellent source for campaign information is the Virginia Public Access Project, www.vpap.org . As we often say, this directory includes all of the ‘winners’ – all of those who will serve. This will be correct until there’s another successful candidate who duplicates Jackie Stump’s 1989 winning write-in campaign for the House of Delegates. While David Bailey’s name is connected with this publication, it would not be possible without the professional assistance of Cierra Parks, Aynae Simmons, Reagan Hardy, Hayley Allison, Kristen Bailey-Hardy, & John Sours. We thankWordsprint and all other advertisers who enabled us to distribute complimentary copies.
DAVID BAILEY 1108 East Main St., Ste 1200 Richmond, VA 23219 804-643-5554 office 804-405-8108 cell dbailey@capitolsquare.com
D B A V A . C O M
Associations AARPVirginia –804.344.3059 David DeBiasi, ddebiasi@aarp.org Alliance for Construction Excellence (ACE) Andy Porter, Chairman , 703.658.4383 Fraternal Order of Police, VA State Lodge John Ohrnberger, johrnb@aol.com Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) Amber Handon, President • www.shav.org Virginia Association for Career and Technical Education Dr. Brenda D. Long, Executive Director , 540.760.250 Virginia Association for Marriage and Family Therapy www.vamft.org Virginia Association of Realtors Terri Suit, CEO , o) 804.249.5702 c) 804.381.1222 Martin Johnson, Senior VP of Gov. Relations , c) 804.514.9830 Anthony Reedy, VP of Political Operations , 276.920.7795 Mary Lawson, Legislative Relations Director , 540.230.6310 Virginia Cable Telecommunications Association Ray LaMura, President , 804.780.1776 Virginia Coalition of Police and Deputy Sheriffs Chip Condon, President , 1.800.913.2727 Virginia Education Association –804.648.5801 Jim Livingston, President Kathy Burcher, Government Relations Virginia Motorcoach Association, Inc. Doug Douglas, Government Affairs , 434.376.1150 Virginia Fire Chiefs Association Scott Garber, President , 540.332.3885 Virginia Professional Fire Fighters Robert Bragg, President , 434.882.8238 Virginia School Counselor Association Emily Goodman-Scott, Chair ; Julia Taylor, Assistant Chair www.vsca.org
Virginia State Firefighters Association Ken Brown, President , 804.971.7983 Voter Registrars Association of Virginia www.varegistrars.org
Sunday, 9:30 AM – VPM (Richmond, Charlottesville & Harrisonburg) Sunday, 10 AM – Blue Ridge PBS 15.1 (Roanoke & Lynchburg) Tuesday, 5 PM – WHRO-World (Norfolk) Wednesday, 8:30 PM – Southwest VA PTV 15.2 (Roanoke & Lynchburg)
Thursday, 5:30 PM - WHRO-World (Norfolk) Check the schedules for these additional stations: ARC TV (Southwest) • Norfolk’s Network, TV-48 Suffolk Network, TV-190 Weekly show information is on Facebook— THISWEEK IN RICHMOND Past shows may be found on YouTube.
1st District Williamsburg; Part of Hampton, James City, Newport News, York and Suffolk Mason, Monty (Democrat)*
P.O. Box 232 • Williamsburg, VA 23187 757.229.9310 monty@masonforvirginia.com www.masonforvirginia.com
2nd District Part of Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth and York Locke, Mamie E. (Democrat)* 2019 Cunningham Drive • Suite 218 Hampton, VA 23666 757.224.4415 3rd District Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, New Kent, Poquoson; Part of Isle of Wight, James City, York, Hampton Suffolk, and Surry Norment, Thomas K., Jr. (Republican)* P.O. Box 6205 Williamsburg, VA 23188 757.259.7810 senator@senatornorment.com www.senatornorment.com Senlocke02@gmail.com www.senatorlocke.com
Jones, Herb (Democrat) P.O. Box 432 Providence Forge, VA 23140 804.994.4041 info@herbjonesforvirginia.com www.herbjonesforvirginia.com
4th District Caroline, Essex, Lancaster, Middlesex, Northumberland, Richmond County; Part of Hanover, King George, Spotsylvania and Westmoreland McDougle, Ryan (Republican)* P.O. Box 187 • Mechanicsville, VA 23111 804.730.1026 senator@ryanmcdougle.com www.Ryanmcdougle.com
Scott, Stan (Democrat) 8005 Creighton Parkway • Suite C179 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 804.559.8990
stan@stanforvirginia.org www.stanforvirginia.org
5th District Parts of Norfolk and Chesapeake
Spruill, Sr., Lionell (Democrat)* P.O. Box 5403 Chesapeake, VA 23324 757.424.2178
senatorspruill@gmail.com www.spruillforsenate.com
Staples, Jeff (Independent) 1453 Boxwood Drive Chesapeake, VA 23323 757.647.0410 Jeff4Va@Gmail.com www.jeff4va.com
6th District Accomack, Mathews, and Northampton; Part of Norfolk and Virginia Beach Lankford, Elizabeth (Republican) elizabethlankford@gmail.com www.lankfordforva.com
Lewis, Lynwood W., Jr. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 760 Accomac, VA 23301 757.787.1094
info@lynwoodlewis.com www.lynwoodlewis.com
7th District Part of Norfolk and Virginia Beach
Kiggans, Jen (Republican) 4734 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 540.435.7835 info@jenforsenate.com www.jenforva.com
Turpin, Cheryl (Democrat) P.O. Box 61487 Virginia Beach, VA 23466 757.956.9763 cheryl@turpinforsenate.com www.turpinforsenate.com
8th District Part of Virginia Beach
DeSteph, Bill (Republican)* 588 Central Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454 757.321.8180 contact@billdesteph.com www.billdesteph.com
Cotter Smasal, Missy (Democrat) P.O. Box 5971 Virginia Beach, VA 23471 teammissy@missyforsenate.com www.missyforsenate.com
9th District Charles City; Part of Hanover, Henrico and Richmond City
McClellan, Jennifer (Democrat)* P.O. Box 47 Richmond, VA 23218 804.482.0714
info@jennifermcclellan.com www.jennifermcclellan.com
Lewis, Mark (Independent) 1904 West Main Street Richmond, VA 23220 804.564.5801 votemarklewis@gmail.com www.votemarklewis.com
10th District Powhatan; Part of Chesterfield and Richmond City Sturtevant, Glen H. (Republican)* P.O. Box 2535 Midlothian, VA 23113 804.601.4046
glen@glensturtevant.com www.glensturtevant.com
Hashmi, Ghazala (Democrat) P.O. Box 72923 Richmond, VA 23235 508.737.5479 ghazala@hashmi4vasenate.org www.hashmi4vasenate.org
11th District Amelia, Colonial Heights; Part of Chesterfield Chase, Amanda (Republican)* 10400 Iron Bridge Road Chester, VA 23831 804.380.0009
amanda@amandachaseforsenate.com www.chase4senate.com
Pohl, Amanda (Democrat ) P.O. Box 36679 North Chesterfield, VA 23235 804.621.5592 info@pohlforvirginia.com www.pohlforvirginia.com
12th District Part of Hanover and Henrico
Dunnavant, Siobhan (Republican)* P.O. Box 70849 Henrico, VA 23255 804.601.8151 campaign@dunnavantdelivers.com www.dunnavantdelivers.com
Rodman, Debra (Democrat) P.O. Box 17278 Henrico, VA 23226 804.698.1073
info@debrarodman.com www.debrarodman.com
13th District Part of Loudoun and Prince William
Higgins, Geary (Republican) gearyhigg@aol.com www.gearyhiggins.com
Bell, John (Democrat) P.O. Box 4489 Broadlands, VA 20148 571.367.9080 john@voteforjohnbell.com www.voteforjohnbell.com
14th District Part of Chesapeake, Franklin City, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton, Suffolk and Virginia Beach Cosgrove, John A. (Republican)* P. O. Box 15483 Chesapeake, VA 23328 757.547.3422 john@johncosgrove.com
Raveson, Rebecca (Democrat) 225 North Saratoga Street • Suffolk, VA 23434 beckyraveson@aol.com • No photo available
15th District Charlotte, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg and Nottoway; Part of Brunswick, Campbell, Danville, Dinwiddie, Halifax, Pittsylvania and Prince George Ruff, Frank M., Jr. (Republican)* P.O. Box 332 Clarksville, VA 23927 434.374.5129 sen.ruff@verizon.net www.senatorfrankruff.com
Smith, Virginia (Democrat) P.O. Box 734 Prince George, VA 23875 804.543.3213 Svirginia100@gmail.com www.virginiasmithforsenate.com
16th District Hopewell and Petersburg; Part of Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Prince George and Richmond Morrissey, Joe (Democrat)
605 East Nine Mile Road Richmond, Virginia 23075 804.737.1626 jdmorrissey57@gmail.com joemorrissey4senate@gmail.com www.morrissey4senate.com
Ross, Waylin (Independent) 39 Bollingbrook Street • #110 Petersburg, VA 23803 804.868.8032
join@waylinross.com www.waylinross.com
17th District Orange and Fredericksburg; Part of Albemarle, Culpeper, Louisa and Spotsylvania Reeves, Bryce E. (Republican)* P.O. Box 7022 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 540.445.0477 teamreeves@brycereeves.com www.BryceReeves.com
Laufer, Amy (Democrat) P.O. Box 238 Keswick, VA 22947 610.763.9387 contact@amylaufer.com www.lauferforvirginia.com
18th District Emporia, Greensville and Sussex; Part of Brunswick, Chesapeake, Franklin City, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton, Suffolk and Surry Lucas, L. Louise (Democrat)* P.O. Box 700 Portsmouth, VA 23705 757.397.8209 senateaide@lucaslodge.com 19th District Floyd and Salem; Part of Bedford County, Carroll, Franklin County, Montgomery, Roanoke County and Wythe Suetterlein, David R. (Republican)* P.O. Box 20237 Roanoke, VA 24018 540.302.8486 david@suetterlein.com www.suetterlein.com
Ketner, Flo (Democrat) P 540.808.7531 115 Acres Farm Road NE • #2
Christiansburg, VA 24073 flo.ketner@floketner.com www.floketner.com
20th District Henry, Galax, Martinsville and Patrick; Part of Carroll, Danville, Franklin County, Halifax and Pittsylvania Stanley, William M. “Bill” (Republican)* P.O. Box 96 Glade Hill, VA 24092 804.698.7520
Info@stanleyforsenate.com www.stanleyforsenate.com
Witcher, Sherman (Independent) P.O. Box 2025 Rocky Mount, VA 24151 540.238.1205 shermanwitcher@gmail.com www.shermancampaign19.com
21st District Giles and Roanoke City; Part of Montgomery and Roanoke County Edwards, John S . (Democrat)* P.O. Box 1179 Roanoke, VA 24006-1179 540.985.8690
senator@edwardsva.com www.johnedwardsva.com
Nelson, Steven (Independent) steve.nelson1@cox.net
22nd District Amherst, Appomattox, Buckingham, Cumberland, Fluvanna, Goochland and Prince Edward; Part of Louisa and Lynchburg Peake, Mark (Republican)* 4925 Boonsboro Road • Box 172 Lynchburg, VA 24503 434.455.3382 district22@senate.virginia.gov www.peakeforsenate.com
Claytor, Dakota (Democrat) P.O. Box 1543 Lynchburg, VA 24504 434.841.4185 info@claytorforsenate.com www.claytorforsenate.com
23rd District Botetourt and Craig; Part of Bedford, Campbell, Lynchburg and Roanoke County Newman, Stephen D. “Steve”
(Republican)* P.O. Box 480 Forest, VA 24551 434.385.1065 snewman@senatornewman.com www.senatornewman.com
24th District Augusta, Greene, Madison, Staunton and Waynesboro; Part of Culpeper and Rockingham Hanger, Emmett W., Jr. (Republican)* P.O. Box 2 Mount Solon, VA 22843-0002 540.885.6898
emmetthanger@aol.com www.emmetthanger.com
Hyde, Annette (Democrat) P. O. Box 1242 Madison, VA 22727 annette@annetteservesva.com www.annetteservesva.com
25th District Alleghany, Bath, Buena Vista, Charlottesville, Covington, Lexington, Highland, Nelson and Rockbridge; Part of Albemarle
Deeds, Robert Creigh (Democrat)* P.O. Box 5462 Charlottesville, VA 22905-5462 434.296.2609 creigh@senatordeeds.com www.senatordeeds.com
Harding , Elliott (Independent) 608 Elizabeth Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22901 540.460.2642
info@hardingforva.com www.hardingforva.com
26th District Harrisonburg, Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah and Warren; Part of Rockingham Obenshain, Mark D. (Republican)* P.O. Box 555 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 540.437.1451
mark@markobenshain.com www.markobenshain.com
Moore, April (Democrat) 86 Sunset Ridge Broadway, VA 22815 540.856.3553 sarafinncm@gmail.com april@shentel.net www.aprilmooreforsenate.com
27th District Clarke, Fauquier, Frederick and Winchester; Part of Culpeper, Loudoun and Stafford
Vogel, Jill Holtzman (Republican)* 45 North Hill Drive • Suite 100 Warrenton, VA 20186 540.662.4551
jillvogel@senate27.com www.senatorjillvogel.com
Ross, Ronnie (Democrat) P.O. Box 1026 Middleburg, VA 20118 540.216.0837
info@ronnieross.com www.ronnieross.com
28th District Part of King George, Prince William, Spotsylvania, Stafford and Westmoreland
Stuart, Richard H. (Republican)* 150 Riverside Parkway • Suite 107 Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540.370.8687 richard@stuartforsenate.com www.stuartforsenate.com
Rashid, Qasim (Democrat) P.O. Box 489 524 Garrisonville Road Garrisonville, VA 22463 qasim.rashid@gmail.com www.rashidforva.com
29th District Manassas and Manassas Park; Part of Prince William McPike, Jeremy (Democrat)* P.O. Box 2819 Woodbridge, VA 22195 571.316.0581
mcpikeforsenate@gmail.com www.mcpikeforsenate.com
30th District Part of Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax County Ebbin, Adam P. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 26415 Alexandria, VA 22313
571.384.8957 804.212.6438
info@adamebbin.com www.AdamEbbin.com
31st District Part of Arlington, Fairfax County and Loudon Favola, Barbara A. (Democrat)* 2319 18th Street North Arlington, VA 22201 703.850.4057 favolaforstatesenate@gmail.com www.barbarafavola.org
32nd District Part of Arlington and Fairfax County
Purves, Arthur (Republican) P.O. Box 1054 Vienna, VA 22183 703.281.0176 arthur@votepurves.org www.votepurves.org
Howell, Janet D. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 2608 Reston, VA 20195 703.709.8283
Senhowell@gmail.com www.janethowell.com
33rd District Part of Loudoun and Fairfax County
Fox, Suzanne (Republican) P.O. Box 223 Leesburg, VA 20178 703.348.7322 info@suzanneforsenate.com www.suzanneforsenate.com
Boysko, Jennifer (Democrat)* 6 Pidgeon Hill Drive • Suite 360 Sterling, VA 20165 703.774.5633 chad@boyskoforsenate.org www.jenniferboysko.com
34th District Fairfax City; Part of Fairfax County
Petersen, Chap (Democrat)* P.O. Box 1066 Fairfax, VA 22038 703.349.3361 chap.petersen@gmail.com www.fairfaxsenator.com
35th District Falls Church; Part of Alexandria and Fairfax County Saslaw, Richard L. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 1856 Springfield, VA 22151 703.978.0200
vasenate35@aol.com www.DickSaslaw.com
36th District Part of Fairfax County, Prince William and Stafford Surovell, Scott A. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 289 Mt. Vernon, VA 22121 571.249.4484 campaign@scottsurovell.org scott@scottsurovell.org
37th District Part of Fairfax County
Marsden, Dave W. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 10889 Burke, VA 22009 571.249.3037 david.marsden37@gmail.com www.marsdenforsenate.com
38th District Bland, Buchanan, Dickenson, Norton, Pulaski, Radford, Russell and Tazewell; Part of Montgomery, Smyth and Wise Chafin, Ben (Republican)* P.O. Box 1210 Lebanon, VA 24266 276.889.1044
ben@benchafin.com www.benchafin.com
McCall, George W., III (Independent) P.O. Box 309 Richlands, VA 24641 www.mccallforsenate.com
39th District Part of Alexandria, Fairfax and Prince William
Hillenburg , Samuel (Republican) P.O. Box 46 Clifton, VA 20124 703.986.3642 dutch@hillenburgforsenate.com www.hillenburgforsenate.com www.dutchforsenate.com Barker, George (Democrat)* P.O. Box 10527 Alexandria, VA 22301 703.303.1426 senatorbarker@gmail.com www.senatorbarker.com
40th District Grayson, Lee, Scott, Washington, Bristol; Part of Smyth, Wise and Wythe Pillion, Todd (Republican) 851 French Moore Jr. Boulevard Room #178 Abingdon, VA 24210 276.220.1209
todd@toddpillion.com www.toddpillion.com
Heath, Ken (Independent) 1401 Park Boulevard Marion, VA 24354 276.759.1102 kenheath@hotmail.com www.kenheath.com
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1st District Lee, Scott and City of Norton; Part of Wise
Kilgore, Terry G. (Republican)* P.O. Box 669 Gate City, VA 24251 276.386.7011 www.delegatekilgore.com
2nd District Part of Prince William and Stafford
Mitchell, Heather (Republican) P.O. Box 203 Garrisonville, VA 22463 540.699.0820 info@mitchellfordelegate.com www.mitchellfordelegate.com Carroll Foy, Jennifer (Democrat)* P.O. Box 5113 Woodbridge, VA 22194 571.402.5704 jennifercarrollfoy@gmail.com www.jennifercarrollfoy.org
3rd District Bland, Buchanan, and Tazewell; Part of Russell
Morefield, James W. “Will” (Republican)* P.O. Box 829 North Tazewell, VA 24630 276.345.4300 delegatemorefield@gmail.com www.morefieldfordelegate.com
4th District Dickenson; Part of Russell, Washington, and Wise Wampler, Will (Republican) P.O. Box 1683 Abingdon, VA 24212 276.200.4007
wamplerfordelegate@gmail.com www.wamplerfordelegate.com
Kiser, Starla (Democrat) 407 E. Main Street • 2nd Floor Abingdon, VA 24211 276.791.9552 kiserfordelegate@gmail.com www.kiserfordelegate.com
5th District Bristol, Galax, and Grayson; Part of Smyth, and Washington
O’Quinn, Israel D. (Republican)* P.O. Box 16325 Bristol, VA 24209 276.525.1311 israel@oquinnfordelegate.com www.israeloquinn.com
6th District Carroll and Wythe; Part of Smyth
Campbell, Jeffrey L. (Republican)* P.O. Box 968 Marion, VA 24354 276.227.0247 Delegate@jeffcampbell.org www.jeffcampbell.org
Barker, Jim (Democrat) P.O. Box 1473 Marion, VA 24354 276.685.2070 jrbarker021@gmail.com www.Jimbarkerfordelegate.org
7th District Floyd; Part of Montgomery and Pulaski Rush, Nick (Republican)* P.O. Box 1591 Christiansburg, VA 24068 540.382.7731 nick@nickrush.com www.electnickrush.com
Seltz, Rhonda (Democrat) 115 Acres Farm Road • Suite 1 Christiansburg, VA 24073 540.449.9632 rhonda@seltz4delegate.com www.seltz4delegate.com
8th District Craig and Salem; Part of Montgomery and Roanoke County
McNamara, Joe (Republican)* P.O. Box 21094 Roanoke, VA 24018 540.384.0276 mcnamarafordelegate@gmail.com www.joeforva.com
Lewis, Darlene (Democrat) 5832 Miner Lane Salem, VA 24153 540.302.8484 lewis4delegate@gmail.com www.lewis4delegate.com
9th District Patrick; Part of Franklin County and Henry
Poindexter, Charles (Republican)* P.O. Box 117 Glade Hill, VA 24092 540.489.8989 charles@votepoindexter.com www.votepoindexter.com
10th District Part of Clarke, Frederick, and Loudoun
Minchew, J . Randall (Republican) P.O. Box 385 Leesburg, VA 20178 703.777.1570 Randy@minchewfordelegate.com www.minchewfordelegate.com
Gooditis, Wendy (Democrat)* P.O. Box 180 Boyce, VA 22620 540.300.3857
info@wendygooditis.com www.Wendygooditis.com
11th District Part of Roanoke City
Rasoul, Sam (Democrat)* 1417 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24017 540.904.6905 info@sam4roanoke.com www.sam4roanoke.com
12th District Giles, Radford; Part of Montgomery and Pulaski Hite, Travis Forrest (Republican) P.O. Box 3211 Radford, VA 24143 540.505.0414
info@forresthite.com www.forresthite.com
Hurst, Chris (Democrat)* P.O. Box 11389 Blacksburg, VA 24062 540.739.2553 chris@hurst4delegate.com www.hurst4delegate.com
13th District Manassas Park; Part of Prince William
McGinn, Kelly Sweeney (Republican) P.O. Box 894 Manassas, VA 20113 703.539.5876
info@kellymcginn.com www.kellymcginn.com
Roem, Danica (Democrat)* P.O. Box 726 Manassas, VA 20113 571.393.0242 Ethan@llpoliticalstrategies.com www.delegatedanicaroem.com
14th District Danville; Part of Henry and Pittsylvania
Marshall, Danny, III (Republican)* P.O. Box 439 Danville, VA 24543 434.797.5861
aidetodwm@yahoo.com www.dannymarshall.com
Stamps, Eric W. (Democrat) P.O. Box 104 Ringold, VA 24586 434.228.0011
eric@ericstamps.com www.ericstamps.com
15th District Page and Shenandoah; Part of Rockingham and Warren Gilbert, C . Todd (Republican)* P.O. Box 309 Woodstock, VA 22664 540.459.7550 jbwalters1340@gmail.com www.delegatetoddgilbert.com
Harrison, Beverly (Democrat) P.O. Box 523 Woodstock, VA 22664 electbeverlyharrison@gmail.com www.electbeverlyharrison.com
16th District Martinsville; Part of Henry and Pittsylvania Adams, Les R. (Republican)* P.O. Box K Chatham, VA 24531 434.432.1600 campaign@lesadams.org www.lesadams.org
Evans, Dustin W. (Libertarian) 1336 Snakepath Road Blairs, VA 24527 434.710.9755 DustinEvans4delegate@gmail.com www.DustinEvans4Delegate.com
17th District Part of Botetourt, Roanoke County, and Roanoke City Head, Christopher T. “Chris” (Republican)* P.O. Box 19130 Roanoke, VA 24019 540.283.2839 Chris@DelegateChrisHead.com www.delegatechrishead.com 18th District Rappahannock; Part of Culpeper, Fauquier and Warren Webert, Michael J . (Republican)* P.O. Box 631 Marshall, VA 20116 704.607.4976 andrew@michael-webert.com www.michael-webert.com
Galante, Laura (Democrat) P.O. Box 1012 Marshall, VA 20116 703.665.9460 info@galantefordelegate.com www.galantefordelegate.com
19th District Alleghany, Bedford City and Covington; Part of Bedford County and Botetourt
Austin, Terry L. (Republican)* P.O. Box 400 Buchanan, VA 24066 540.254.1500 Aus4del@aol.com www.austinfordelegate.com
20th District Highland, Staunton, and Waynesboro; Part of Augusta and Nelson Avoli, John (Republican) P.O. Box 1942 Staunton, VA, 24402 540.290.1023
javoli2@hotmail.com www.johnavoli.com
Lewis, Jennifer (Democrat) P.O. Box 431 Waynesboro, VA 22980 info@jenniferlewisfordelegate.com www.jenniferlewisfordelegate.com
21st District Part of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach
Kane, Shannon (Republican) 3630 S. Plaza Trail • #150-E Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757.802.3236 info@ShannonforDelegate.com www.shannonfordelegate.com
Convirs-Fowler, Kelly (Democrat)* P.O. Box 6769 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757.364.8428
staff@delegatefowler.com www.delegatefowler.com
22nd District Part of Bedford County, Campbell, Franklin, and Lynchburg Byron, Kathy J . (Republican)* P.O. Box 900 Forest, VA 24551 434.582.1592 DelKByron@house.virginia.gov www.kathybyron.com
Woofter, Jennifer K. (Democrat) P.O Box 722 Lynchburg, VA 24505 434.381.0858 info@jenniferwoofterfordelegate.com www.jenniferwoofterfordelegate.com
23rd District Part of Amherst, Bedford and Lynchburg
Walker, Wendell (Republican) P.O. Box 3331 Lynchburg, VA 24503 434.944.4008 WendellWalker2@gmail.com www.walker4delegate.com Zilles, David A. (Democrat) P.O. Box 2507 Forest, VA. 24551 434.221.9708 info@davidzillesfordelegate.com www.davidzillesfordelegate.com
24th District Bath, Buena Vista, Lexington and Rockbridge; Part of Amherst and Augusta Campbell, Ronnie (Republican)* P.O Box 366 Fairfield, VA 24435 540.280.0778 campaign@voteronniecampbell.com www.voteronniecampbell.com
Worth, Christian (Democrat) P.O. Box 838 Lexington, VA 24450 540.784.9400 Connect@WorthForDelegate.com Manager@WorthForDelegate.com www.worthfordelegate.com
Fishpaw, Billy Eli (Independent) 143 Sunflower Lane • Lexington, VA 24450 www.fishpaw2019.com • No photo available
25th District Part of Albemarle, Augusta, and Rockingham
Runion, Christopher A. (Republican) P.O. Box 202 Bridgewater, VA 22812 540.255.0504 Chris@chrisrunion.com www.chrisrunion.com Kitchen, Jenni (Democrat) 1112 Estaline Valley Road Craigsville, VA 24430 540.245.0682 jenniferkitchenfordelegate@gmail.com www.electjenniferkitchen.com
Janice L. Allen (Independent) 3482 Boyd Lane Rockingham, VA 22801 jboydinc@aol.com
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Thanks to our underwriters
ISupportVirginiaHospitals.com Program schedules are available on the Facebook page for This Week in Richmond and shows are available on ideastations.org/tags/week-richmond and YouTube. If you are interested in sponsoring This Week in Richmond , please call David Bailey at 804-643-5554 or send an email to TWIR@CapitolSquare.com. This Week in Richmond is seen on WVPT (Harrisonburg), WBRA (Roanoke), WHTJ (Charlottesville), WHRO (Norfolk), TV-48 Norfolk’s Neighborhood Network, and other cable systems providing statewide coverage. This Week in Richmond , hosted by Virginia Capitol veteran David Bailey , features discussions with Virginia newsmakers, including elected of cials and top administrators. Most episodes originate from the Capitol in Richmond. In addition to the presenting station, VPM (Richmond),
Additional support is provided by:
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26th District Harrisonburg; Part of Rockingham
Wilt, Tony O. (Republican)* P.O. Box 1147 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 540.324.8301 tony@tonywilt.com www.delegatewilt.com Finnegan, Brent (Democrat) P.O. Box 1035 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 540.820.7134 540.999.8582 manager@brentfinnegan.com brent@brentfinnegan.com www.brentfinnegan.com
27th District Part of Chesterfield
Robinson, Roxann L. (Republican)* P.O. Box 4627 Midlothian, VA 23112 804.464.8478 roxann@roxannrobinson.com www.roxannrobinson.com
Barnett, Larry (Democrat) P.O. Box 125 Midlothian, VA 23113 campaign@barnett4delegate.com www.barnett4delegate.com
28th District Part of Stafford and Fredericksburg
Milde, Paul (Republican) 105 Lake Shore Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22405 703.728.2828 paulmilde@paulmilde.com www.paulmilde.com
Cole, Joshua (Democrat) 618 Kenmore Avenue Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540.642.0165
info@jgcole.org www.jgcole.org
29th District Winchester; Part of Frederick and Warren Collins, Chris (Republican)* P.O. Box 459 Winchester, VA 22604 540.257.2079 www.collinsfordelegate.com
Khanin, Irina (Democrat) P.O. Box 939 Winchester, VA 22604 irina4delegate@gmail.com irina4delegate.com
30th District Orange and Madison; Part of Culpeper County
Ridgeway, Ann Faulkner (Democrat) P.O. Box 201 Culpeper, VA 22701 540.881.0104
info@ridgewayfordelegate.com www.ridgewayfordelegate.com
31st District Part of Fauquier and Prince William
Jordan, D.J . (Republican) P.O. Box 2382 Woodbridge, VA 22195 571.310.5955 Campaign@VoteDJ.com www.votedj.com
Guzman, Elizabeth (Democrat)* P.O. Box 1818 Woodbrige, VA 22193 571.403.1213 Elizabeth@Elizabethguzmanforvirginia.com www.elizabethguzmanforvirginia.com
32nd District Part of Loudoun
Reid, David (Democrat)* P.O. Box 4132 Ashburn, VA 20148 703.662.1395 reidfordelegate@gmail.com www.delegatedavidreid.com
33rd District Part of Clarke, Frederick and Loudoun
LaRock, Dave A. (Republican)* P.O. Box 6 Hamilton, VA 20159 540.751.8364
info@votelarock.us www.votelarock.us
Taintor, Mavis (Democrat) P.O. Box 309 Hamilton, VA 20159 www.mavisfordelegate.com
34th District Part of Fairfax County and Loudoun Pan,Gary (Republican)
PMB 4661350 Beverly Street • Suite 115 McLean, VA 22101-3633 friends@panforvirginia.com www.panforvirginia.com
Murphy, Kathleen (Democrat)* P.O. Box 146 McLean VA, 22101 571.989.1540 info@murphyfordelegate.com www.murphyfordelegate.com
35th District Part of Fairfax County
Keam, Mark (Democrat)* P.O. Box 1134 Vienna, VA 22183 703.350.3911
info@markkeam.com www.markkeam.com
36th District Part of Fairfax County
Plum, Kenneth R. “Ken” (Democrat)* 2073 Cobblestone Lane Reston, VA 20191 703.391.2978
kenplum@aol.com www.kenplum.com
37th District City of Fairfax; Part of Fairfax County
Bulova, David L. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 106 Fairfax Station, VA 22039 703.310.6752
info@davidbulova.com www.davidbulova.com
38th District Part of Fairfax County
Kory, Kaye (Democrat)* 6505 Waterway Drive Falls Church, VA 22044 703.354.6024 kaye.kory@gmail.com www.kayekory.com
39th District Part of Fairfax County
Bell, Nicholas (Republican) P.O. Box 1020 Springfield, VA 22151 703.946.9501 nicholasbellcr@gmail.com www.bell2019.com
Watts, Vivian E. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 8004 Springfield, VA 22151 703.978.2989 vwatts@erols.com www.vivanwatts.com
40th District Part of Fairfax County, and Prince William
Hugo, Timothy D. (Republican)* P.O. Box 893 Centreville, VA 20122 703.815.1201 campaign@timhugo.com www.timhugo.com
Helmer, Dan (Democrat) Box 7267 Fairfax Station, VA 22039 571.459.2273
info@danhelmer.com www.danhelmer.com
41st District Part of Fairfax County
Filler-Corn, Eileen (Democrat)* P.O. Box 523082 Springfield, VA 22152 571.249.3453 Eileen@eileenfillercorn.com www.eileenfillercorn.com
Mace, Rachel (Libertarian) 10302 Bridgetown Place • Burke, VA 22015 rachel@macescg.com • No photo available
Wolfe, John Michael (Independent) P.O. Box 10873 • Burke, VA 22009 contact@wolfe2019.com • No photo available
42nd District Part of Fairfax County
Adragna, Steve (Republican) P.O. Box 7133 Fairfax Station, VA 22039-7133 703.672.1994
Info@SteveAdragna.US www.steveadragna.us
Tran, Kathy (Democrat)* P.O. Box 2731 Springfield, VA 22152 joann@kathyfordelegate.com www.kathyfordelegate.com
43rd District Part of Fairfax County
Sickles, Mark D. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 10628 Franconia, VA 22310 703.922.6440 www.marksickles.com
Parker, Gail (Independent) 5904 Mt. Eagle Drive • Apt 516 Alexandria, VA 22303 703.960.5602 ggailparker@aol.com
44th District Part of Fairfax County
Hayden, Richard T. (Republican) P.O. Box 90651 Alexandria, VA 22309 703.967.8147 contact@haydenfordelegate.com www.haydenfordelegate.com
Krizek, Paul E. (Democrat)* 2201 Whiteoaks Drive Alexandria, VA 22306 703.688.2983
paul@paulkrizek.com www.paulkrizek.com
45th District Part of Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax County Levine, Mark (Democrat)*
805 Rivergate Place Alexandria, VA 22314 703.599.6121
Mark@MarkforDelegate.com www.MarkforDelegate.com
46th District Part of Alexandria
Herring , Charniele (Democrat)* P.O. Box 11779 Alexandria, VA 22312 703.606.9705
info@charnieleherring.com www.charnieleherring.com
47th District Part of Arlington County
Hope, Patrick A. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 3148 Arlington, VA 22203 703.772.3070
Patrick.hope@verizon.net www.HOPEforVirginia.org
48th District Part of Arlington County and Fairfax County
Sullivan, Richard C . “Rip”, Jr. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 50753 Arlington, VA 22205 571.210.5876
rip@ripsullivan.com www.ripsullivan.com
49th District Part of Arlington and Fairfax County
Lopez, Alfonso (Democrat)* P.O. Box 40366 Arlington, VA 22204 571.336.2147 delegatelopez@gmail.com www.AlfonsoLopez.org
Modglin, Terry (Independent) P.O. Box 4953 Falls Church, VA 22044 202.270.3083 terrymodglinfordelegate19@gmail.com www.terrymodglinfordelegate.com
50th District Manassas; Part of Prince William
Lovejoy, Ian (Republican) 8665 Sudley Road • #195 Manassas, VA 20110 571.348.3271
ian@votelovejoy.com www.votelovejoy.com
Carter, Lee (Democrat)* P.O. Box 243 Manassas, VA 20108 571.261.8546 Lee@CarterForVirginia.com www.carterforvirginia.com
51st District Part of Prince William County
Anderson, Richard L. “Rich” (Republican) P.O. Box 7926 Woodbridge, VA 22195 571.264.9983 Rich@RichAnderson.com Courtney@RichAnderson.com www.RichAnderson.com
Ayala, Hala (Democrat)* P.O. Box 7434 Woodbridge, VA 22195 804.698.1051 ayalafordelegate@gmail.com www.ayalafordelegate.com
52nd District Part of Prince William
Martin, Maria Eugenia (Republican) P.O. Box 84 Dumfries, VA 22026 703.272.4724
vote@mmartin4virginia.com www.mmartin4virginia.com
Torian, Luke (Democrat)* 4222 Fortuna Plaza • #659 Dumfries, VA 22025 703.785.2224 info@delegatetorian.com www.delegatetorian.com
53rd District Falls Church; Part of Fairfax County
Simon, Marcus (Democrat)* P.O. Box 958 Falls Church, VA 22040 571.327.0053
info@marcussimon.com www.MarcusSimon.com
54th District Part of Caroline and Spotsylvania
Orrock, Robert “Bobby” Sr. (Republican)* P.O. Box 458 Thornburg, VA 22565 540.891.1322 www.Bobbyorrock.net
Canahui-Ortiz, Neri (Democrat) P.O. Box 55
Spotsylvania, VA 22553 www.nerifordelegate.com
55th District Part of Caroline, Hanover, and Spotsylvania
Fowler, Jr., Buddy (Republican)* 10321 Old Washington Highway Glen Allen, VA 23059 804.305.8867 804.698.1055 buddyfowlerfordelegate@gmail.com www.buddyfowler.com
Goodman, Morgan (Democrat) P.O. Box 1433 Ashland, VA 23005 804.412.8551 iyla@goodmanfordelegate.com www.goodmanfordelegate.com
56th District Louisa; Part of Goochland, Henrico and Spotsylvania McGuire, John (Republican)* 11357 Nuckols Road • #156 Glen Allen, VA 23059 804.833.5608
john@mcguire56.com www.mcguire56.com
Matkins, Juanita Jo (Democrat) P.O. Box 1422 Louisa, VA 23093 540.603.0198 info@matkinsfordelegate.com www.matkinsfordelegate.com
57th District Charlottesville; Part of Albemarle
Hudson, Sally (Democrat) P.O. Box 2375 Charlottesville, VA 22902 434.214.0280 info@sallyforvirginia.com www.sallyforvirginia.com
58th District Greene; Part of Albemarle, Fluvanna, and Rockingham Bell, Rob B ., III (Republican)* 2309 Finch Court Charlottesville, VA 22911 434.245.8900
rob@delegaterobbell.com www.delegaterobbell.com
Alcorn, Elizabeth (Democrat) P.O. Box 51 Dyke, VA 22935 Win58th@gmail.com www.Alcornfor58th.com
59th District Appomattox and Buckingham; Part of Albemarle, Campbell and Nelson Fariss, C . Matt (Republican)* 243-C Livestock Road Rustburg, VA 24588 434.821.5929 Friendsofmattfariss@gmail.com www.mattfariss.com
Hickey, Tim (Democrat) P.O. Box 120 Batesville VA, 22942 434.260.1074 www.timhickeyfordelegate.com
60th District Charlotte, Halifax, and Prince Edward; Part of Campbell Edmunds, James E., II (Republican)* P.O. Box 1115 Halifax, VA 24558 434.476.0077
dana@friendsofjamesedmunds.com www.friendsofjamesedmunds.com
Zimmerman, Janie (Democrat) P.O. Box 186 Phenix, VA 23959 434.710.9255 janiez.va60@gmail.com www.janiezva60.org
61st District Amelia, Cumberland, Mecklenburg and Nottoway; Part of Lunenburg Wright, Thomas “Tommy” C ., Jr.
(Republican)* P.O. Box 1323 Victoria, VA 23974 434.696.3061 DelTWright@house.virginia.gov
Berry, Trudy Bell (Democrat) P.O Box 184 Victoria, VA 23974
trudy@trudyberry.com www.trudyberry.com
62nd District Hopewell; Part of Chesterfield and Prince George Coyner, Carrie (Republican) 9910 Wagners Way Chesterfield, VA 23832 804.536.5742 carriecoynerhd62@gmail.com www.carriecoyner.com
Dougherty, Lindsey (Democrat) P.O. Box 2576 Chester, VA 23831 804.621.5161 lindsey@lindseydougherty.com www.lindseydougherty.com
63rd District Dinwiddie, Petersburg; Part of Chesterfield Aird, Lashrecse (Democrat)* P.O. Box 3943 Petersburg, VA 23805 804.452.7076
delegateaird@gmail.com www.airdfordelegate.com
Haake, Larry (Independent) P.O. Box 4176 Midlothian, VA 23112 804.464.3184 Larry4House@gmail.com
64th District Isle of Wight, Surry; Part of Prince George and Suffolk Brewer, Emily (Republican)* P.O. Box 5 Smithfield, VA 23431 757.239.1213
emily@brewerforva.com www.brewerforva.com
Joyce, Michele (Democrat) P.O. Box 5091
Suffolk, VA 23435 www.joyce4va.com
65th District Powhatan; Part of Chesterfield, Fluvanna, Goochland Ware, R. Lee, Jr. (Republican)* P.O. Box 689 Powhatan, VA 23139 804.598.6696 leeware2011@hotmail.com www.lee-ware.com
Asip, Mike (Democrat) P.O. Box 338 Powhatan, VA 23139 mikeasipfordelegate65@gmail.com
66th District Colonial Heights; Part of Chesterfield
Cox, M. Kirkland “Kirk” (Republican) * P.O. Box 1205 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 804.526.5135
kirk@kirkcox.com www.kirkcox.com
Bynum-Coleman, Sheila (Democrat) 7639 Hull Street Road • Suite 105 North Chesterfield, VA 23235 804.638.5226
info@sheilafordelegate.com www.sheilafordelegate.com
Harris, Linnard Keith, Sr. (Independent) P.O. Box 13678 Richmond, VA 23225 804.433.7925 lkharrisfordelegate@gmail.com www.Lkharrisfordelegate.wixsite.com/2019
67th District Part of Fairfax and Loudoun
Delaney, Karrie (Democrat)* P.O. Box 230542 Centerville, VA 20120 703.996.9415 delaneyfordelegate@gmail.com www.karriedelaney.com
68th District Part of Chesterfield, Henrico and Richmond City Coward, Garrison (Republican) P.O. Box 224 Richmond, VA 23218 804.513.6885 campaign@garrisoncoward.com www.garrisoncoward.com
Adams, Dawn (Democrat)* P.O. Box 25331 Richmond, VA 23260 804.384.5922 info@adamsfordelegate.com www.delegateadams.com
69th District Part of Richmond City
Carr, Betsy (Democrat)* P.O. Box 14625 Richmond, VA 23221 804.986.6852
info@betsycarr.org www.betsycarr.org
70th District Charles City; Part of Chesterfield, Henrico, and Richmond City
McQuinn, Delores L. (Democrat)* P.O. Box 406 Richmond, VA 23218 804.698.1270 DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.gov www.deloresmcquinn.com
71st District Part of Richmond City
Bourne, Jeff (Democrat)* P.O. Box 598 Richmond, VA 23218 510.564.5034 Milesg1993@gmail.com www.jeffmbourne.com
Wells, Pete (Independent) 3017 Fourth Avenue Richmond, VA 23222 petewells36@gmail.com www.petewellsforliberty.org
72nd District Part of Henrico
Vandergriff, GayDonna (Republican) P.O. Box 1236 Glen Allen, VA 23060 campaign@gaydonnavandergriff.com www.Gaydonna.com
VanValkenburg , Schuyler (Democrat)* P.O. Box 28782 Richmond, VA 23228 804.464.3461 vanvalkenburg4va@gmail.com www.vanvalkenburg4va.com
73rd District Part of Henrico
Kastelberg , Mary Margaret (Republican) 8921 Three Chopt Road • Suite 202 Richmond, VA 23229 804.404.8467
info@kastelberg4va.com www.kastelberg4va.com
Willett, Rodney (Democrat) P.O. Box 29428 Henrico, VA 23242 914.482.1279
info@rodwillett.com www.rodwillett.com
74th District Part of Henrico
Bagby, Lamont (Democrat)* P.O. Box 15512 Richmond, VA 23227 804.400.8787 lamont@lamontbagby.org www.lamontbagby.org
75th District Brunswick, Emporia, Franklin City, Greenville, Southampton, Sussex; Part of Lunenburg
Wachsmann Jr., Otto (Republican) P.O. Box 268 Stony Creek, VA 23882
info@ottowachsmann.com www.ottowachsmann.com
Tyler, Roslyn C . (Democrat)* 25359 Blue Star Highway Jarratt, VA 23867 434.336.1710
rctyler75@verizon.net www.delegatetyler.com
76th District Part of Chesapeake and Suffolk
Jones, S . Chris (Republican)* P.O. Box 5058 Suffolk, VA 23435 757.483.6242 hod76@schrisjones.com www.schrisjones.com Jenkins, Clinton (Democrat) P.O. Box 4305 Suffolk, VA 23434 clintjenkins@aol.com www.clintonforvirginia.com
77th District Part of Chesapeake
Hayes, Cliff (Democrat)* P.O. Box 5142 Chesapeake, VA 23324 757.364.0272
vote@cliffhayes.com www.Cliffhayes.com
78th District Part of Chesapeake
Leftwich, James A. (Jay), Jr. (Republican)* 308 Cedar Lakes Drive • Third Floor Chesapeake, VA 23322 757.382.4156 del.j.leftwich@gmail.com www.jayleftwich.com
79th District Part of Chesapeake, Norfolk and Portsmouth Heretick, Steve (Democrat)*
715 Loudoun Avenue Portsmouth, VA 23707 757.397.9923 steve@heretickfordelegate.com www.steveheretick.com
80th District Part of Portsmouth
Evans, Jim (Republican) 192 Yorkshire Road Portsmouth, VA 23701 jim.evans1979@gmail.com
Scott, Don (Democrat) 355 Crawford Street • Suite 704 Portsmouth, VA 23704 757.536.7024 info@friendsofdonscott.com www.donscottportsmouth.com
Benton, Ryan (Independent) 230 Swimming Point Walk • Apt B1 Portsmouth, VA 23704 757.392.4880 bentonforportsmouth@gmail.com www.bentonforportsmouth.com
81st District Part of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach
Knight, Barry D. (Republican)* 1852 Mill Landing Road Virginia Beach, VA 23457 757.426.6387
info@barrydknight.com www.barrydknight.com
Myers, Len (Democrat) P.O. Box 4445 Corporation Lane Suite 140 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757.255.8866 heylen@lenforthewin.com www.lenforthewin.com
82nd District Part of Virginia Beach
Miyares, Jason (Republican)* P.O. Box 3193 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 757.353.4696
jason@jasonmiyares.com www.jasonmiyares.com
Johnson, Gayle (Democrat) 576 North Birdneck Road • #128 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757.219.2631
action@gaylej4va.com www.GayleJ4VA.com
83rd District Part of Norfolk and Virginia Beach
Stolle, Christopher P., M.D. (Republican)* P.O. Box 5429 Virginia Beach, VA 23471 757.633.2080
info@chrisstolle.com www.chrisstolle.com
Guy, Nancy (Democrat) P.O. Box 4563 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 757.744.9302 sandra@guyfordelegate.com www.Guyfordelegate.com
84th District Part of Virginia Beach
Davis, Jr., Glenn (Republican)* One Columbus Center • Suite 695 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757.802.4982 glenn@glennrdavis.com www.glennrdavis.com
Mallard, Karen Powers (Democrat) P.O. Box 6528
Virginia Beach, VA 23456 www.karenmallard.com
85th District Part of Virginia Beach
Holcomb, Rocky (Republican) P.O. Box 61827 Virginia Beach, VA 23466 757.663.2835
rocky@rockyholcomb.com www.rockyholcomb.com
Askew, Alex (Democrat) P.O. Box 64544 Virginia Beach, VA 23467 757.574.0637 contact@alexaskew.com www.alexaskew.com
86th District Part of Fairfax County and Loudoun
Samirah, Ibraheem (Democrat)* P.O. Box 1503 Herndon, VA 20171 571.324.2448
jake@samirah4delegate.com www.samirah4delegate.com
87th District Part of Loudoun and Prince William
Drennan, Bill (Republican) 5050 Riding Plaza • Suite 130 • Box 617
South Riding, VA 20152 Drennanfordelegate.com
Subramanyam, Suhas (Democrat) P.O. Box 302 Ashburn, VA 20146 campaign@suhasforvirginia.com www.suhasforvirginia.com
88th District Part of Fauquier, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and Stafford Cole, Mark L. (Republican)* P.O. Box 41965 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 540.226.9105 delegate@marklcole.com www.marklcole.com
Foster, Jess (Democrat) P.O. Box 369 Remington, VA 22734 571.310.5253 yestojess@jessfoster.org www.jessfoster.org
89th District Part of Norfolk
Jones, Jay (Democrat)* P.O. Box 2892 Norfolk, VA 23501 757.625.8989
jay@jayjones.vote www.jayjones.com
90th District Part of Norfolk
Lindsey, Joseph C. “Joe” (Democrat)* 500 East Plume Street Suite 105 • Norfolk, VA 23510 757.623.6522
lindseyfordelegate@gmail.com www.delegatejoelindsey.com
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