Defining Moments 2021
This society provides national recognition to donors who make unrestricted annual campaign gifts of $10,000 or more. Jeremiah Milbank, the namesake of this society, exemplified a spirit of volunteerism, generosity, compassion, and action for those in need.
We celebrate the 5 donors who contributed to BGCSWVA at this donation level in 2021.
This national recognition group acknowledges the thoughtful individuals who have included a Boys & Girls Club in their will or estate plans.
"I believe it is incumbent upon all of us to give back to our community if we are able to do so. Making a planned gift is a way for me to ensure that Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia can continue to be a community asset, serving local young people who need us most, for years to come." - Ed Hall, Heritage Society member
To discuss membership in either of these giving societies, contact Director of Development Emily Pinkerton at
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