DePaul Expressions Vol XXI Number 3

Building a Beautiful

Life Together Story by Alison Wickline-Burns | Photos by Kylie Hinson Photography

It was loss that led Sharon to a life of caregiv ing. Her daughter was born with a serious health condition and sadly passed away at the age of 7. It was heartbreaking, life changing, and eye opening. “During that journey, I saw that there were a lot of kids with special needs that needed support, love, and care,” said Sharon. Sharon’s caregiving journey has taken her from supervising day support programs to working in group homes and then to becoming part of DePaul’s Sponsored Residential program where she met “Jenna Benna” and began compassionately caring for her.

space,” said Sharon. “She wasn’t used to going out in the community.” Today, Jenna is an active part of her commu nity. She attends school, loves going shopping (especially for sparkly clothes), hands out hugs freely, and has even made friends with firefight ers at the local fire department. She has built a strong bond with Sharon, her new siblings, and the extended family. “It is amazing and wonderful to see the change in her,” said Sharon. While Sharon and Jenna began their journey

with DePaul in the Amelia office, they have now transitioned to the organization’s new Hanover office. They are looking forward to being closer to the unwavering support of DePaul staff members. “Everyone with DePaul that I’ve met—no matter what office they’re in—has been professional, loving, and willing to listen to us,” said Sharon.

“There’s nothing compared to the love that we get from her and the love that we give back to her,” said Sharon. Jenna’s life before the spon sored residential program looked very different. “When she first arrived, she would go and stand in the corner, and I realized that was her safe

“There’s nothing compared to the

love that we get from her and the love that we give back to her.”


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