Corps Review Spring 2018


J . W I L L I AM B R I C K E R ’ 5 3 1 9 3 1 - 2 0 1 7

U.S. Army Lt. Col. J. William “Bill” Bricker (retired) died Dec. 19, 2017. Born and raised in Radford, Virginia, he was a distinguished military graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Following a proud Army career of 25 years, including two tours of duty in Vietnam, he entered civilian life and made Augusta, Georgia, his home. An avid gardener and organic pioneer, he embarked on a second career by founding Brinko Farms in 1977. He and his wife, Lou, enjoyed traveling together, and he was passionate about golf. He is survived by three sons.

R O B E R T S TA N L E Y PA R R O T T J R . ’ 5 6 1 9 3 4 - 2 0 1 7

Robert Parrott died Dec. 11, 2017. He graduated from Randolph-Macon Academy and received his bachelor of science degree from Virginia Tech in 1956. He was also an alumnus of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Virginia. He al- ways considered one of his greatest achievements his service on Gov. Mills Godwin’s task force “Bonds for Education” that helped establish Virginia’s Community College System. He retired from Roy Wheeler Realty Company in 1991. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, LaVerne; a daughter; and son.

D O N A L D L E E S A G E ’ 5 6 1 9 3 5 - 2 0 1 8

Don Sage died April 4. He was born in Palm Beach, Florida, but was raised in Richmond, Virginia. A dedicated Hokie, he graduated with a degree in industrial en- gineering. After a 38-year career with AT&T that earned him numerous professional accolades, including the Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ LEAD Award for Inte- grated Manufacturing, he retired in 1994. He gave generously of his time and talents to multiple organizations and causes, including the Telephone Pioneers and Virginia Tech. He is survived by his wife, Mary Etta Sage, and three children.

R I C H A R D C . C H I N ’ 5 9 1 9 3 5 - 2 0 1 7

Richard Chin died Nov. 7, 2017. He was born in New York City but spent half the year on the family farm in New Jersey raising vegetables. While at Virginia Tech, he was in the Army ROTC program and the Pershing Rifles’ Drill Team. After graduat- ing with a degree in construction management, he was commissioned and assigned to the 82nd Airborne. He qualified in helicopters, when he joined the 1st Armored Division. He attained the rank of captain, was certified as a paratrooper, and earned aviator wings. Following his military service, he joined the Honeywell Corporation from which he retired. He is survived by two brothers and a sister.

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