Corps Review Spring 2018
Spring 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2 C O N T E N T S ALUMNI SPOTL I GHT 4 Col. Eric Dorminey ’90 14 2nd Lt. John Peacock ’17 34 T.O. Williams III ’59 Remembered FEATURES 16 Cadets Win National Fitness Challenge 19 Focus on Philanthropy: Ray Carmines ’51 24 Class Notes PHOTOS 8 Spring Events 44 Commencement and Commissioning 45 Hokie Heroes DEPARTMENTS 2 Alumni Announcements 10 Commandant’s Column 12 VPI Battalion 17 Museum Curator
18 Chairman’s Column 20 Recruiting Update 21 Quad Angle
26 Army ROTC News 28 Naval ROTC News 30 Air Force ROTC News 32 Giving 36 Honor Guard 42 In Memoriam: Col. Wesley L. Fox
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