Corps Review Spring 2018
Regimental Operations Officer Fabio Brocco Building Construction Newland, North Carolina Army
Regimental Supply and Finance Officer
Regimental Executive Officer Joelle Pond Economics Suffolk, Virginia Army
Regimental Adjutant Jordan Wirth Meteorology Front Royal, Virginia Air Force
Regimental Public Affairs Officer
Stephen O’Brien Civil Engineering Westford, Massachusetts Army
Natalie Rosas Meteorology Leesburg, Virginia Air Force
Exec Committee Chairman Austin Shumate Sustainable Biomaterials Fishersville, Virginia Air Force
Regimental Alumni Liaison Officer Nicholas Huffman Geology Seattle, Washington Navy
Regimental Inspector General Spenser Sheldon Landscaping Horticulture and Design Seville, Ohio Citizen-Leader Track
Regimental Sergeant Major John Holland Finance and Management McLean, Virginia Citizen-Leader Track
Regimental Academics Officer Brian Welch Computer Engineering Alexandria, Virginia Army
Regimental Growley Handler Eleanor Franc
Air Force Wing Commander John Gogal Meteorology Haymarket, Virginia Air Force
Navy Battalion Commander Quinton Cookis History Pittsfield, Massachusetts Marines
Army Battalion Commander Robert Delaney Finance Gainesville, Virginia Army
VPI Battalion Commander Clare Levy Human Development Newport News, Virginia Citizen-Leader Track
Political Science Washington, D.C. Citizen-Leader Track
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