Corps Review Spring 2018

C H A I R M A N ’ S C O L U M N


By J. Pearson ’87, chairman, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Alumni Inc.

We had a great junior dinner and senior social event on April 4. We serve our rising seniors in the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets a nice dinner at Owens Dining Hall. We posi- tion alumni at tables around the room to engage in dialog concerning life experi- ences and what it is like to be alumni. After dinner with the junior class, our soon-to-be graduates enjoy a recep- tion with snacks and drinks. They are encouraged to socialize with alumni and each other. Commandant of Cadets Maj. Gen. Randal Fullhart, Col. Patience Larkin ‘87, David Lowe ’63, and I talked to both groups about giving back and staying engaged with the Corps. This is our third year using this for- mat. Each year, we ask both groups for feedback, and it is always positive. I would like to thank all the alumni who attended. I encourage you to think about coming back to campus next April and attend this fine event. You will have a great time and enjoy connecting with our future alumni. This is our first year to formally recognize a distinguished alumnus. We

David Lowe addresses members of the cadet class of 2019 at this year’s Future Alumni Dinner.

received many applications of outstand- ing and deserving folks for the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award. In fact, so much so, we chose two. Their accom- plishments in serving our country, in business, and this university are off the charts. President Tim and Laura Sands attended, along with various university officials and family members. Please join me in congratulating our first four-star general alumnus, Gen. Thomas C. Richards ’56, and former

Regimental Commander David Lowe for receiving our inaugural awards. That was followed by a very busy spring, including our full board meet- ing, change of command, commission- ing, and graduation just to name a few. I hope all of you can make it back to campus to see our wonderful Upper Quad and visit with our great team of professionals that is helping to guide our Corps into the future. Go Hokies!


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