Corps Review Spring 2018
A team of Virginia Tech ca- dets won this year’s Association of Military Colleges & Schools of the United States National Fitness Chal- lenge. The challenge is designed to pur- sue ways to increase cadet resilience and wellness and to foster camara- derie through competition between member schools. Colleges were asked to select up to 10 cadets to participate in the fitness challenge. Based on the U.S. Coast Guard’s Cadet Candidate Physical Fitness Examination, the challenge consisted of two minutes of push-ups, two minutes of sit-ups, and a 1.5-mile run with no more than five minutes between each event. All cadet scores were aver- aged to make up the college’s final score. The Virginia Tech Corps of Ca- dets selected five cadets and posted the highest final score. Participants were Harrison Bar- one ’19, Blaine Mainz ’21, Joshua McGuire ’18, Patrick Munro ’19, and Grant Phillips ’18. Additionally, McGuire was the top individual finisher among all college cadets, and McGuire and Munro both achieved perfect scores of 300 on their tests. The Association of Military Col- leges & Schools of the United States represents 41 military colleges, junior colleges, and college prepara- tory schools. It serves as an advocate for those schools and as a liaison with the U.S. Department of De- fense and Department of Education.
Clockwise from top left are Blaine Mainz ’21, Harrison Barone ’19, Grant Phillips ’18, Joshua McGuire ’18, and Patrick Munro ’19.
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