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Q: During the 4th week of Advent, we will light the Love candle and read Jeremiah 23:5-8. How do you see this theme reflected in the lives of local believers? What needs in your local culture relate to this theme? How can we pray for France in light of this theme? A: We see this theme in a blatant way as we work side by side with our French, Turkish, Iranian, Afghans, South African, Canadian, and other believers to share the hope and love of Jesus and the invitation out of physical and spiritual exile into a true family to the lost and homeless refugees and immigrants here in Strasbourg. A large need is for the vast majority of local believers in Strasbourg to see the heartbeat of God for the exiled peoples who live in their city, on their streets, and under their bridges and to extend the invitation of life and love and family in real and tangible ways. You can pray that this Christmas season would be a time of renewal for the local believers and that the exiled here would hear and believe the good news of a Father who has his home open to them. A: You can pray that we would have the opportunity to invite the refugees we have met to join us in our celebration of Jesus and share a gathered time of fun, food, and worship. Pray for our family as we have large decisions to make by January and we are still in the process of trying to raise support to stay for a third year. We also have begun different activities to create relational opportunities with the students we work with: we need wisdom, courage, and lots of prayer covering all that we do. Pray that the local church here would be one spirit, united under Christ in love and grace, and empowered to go and speak the gospel in their neighborhoods. Pray for the local people here that their ears would be opened to the good news and the enemy would be silenced as he seeks to blind and devour them. Q: How else can we pray for your family, other believers, and your local people?

Christmas Market with the Notre Dame Cathedral in the background

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