Convert Fwys to CB to Rdc Inputs
1.) Eradication: Two applications of a nonselective herbicide were applied, spaced one week apart, to ensure complete elimination of current fairway turfgrass species. 2.) Seedbed preparation: Slicing conducted in two directions, followed by debris removal and aeration. 3.) Seeding: Seeding of CB broadcast spread at a rate of 1-1.25 lbs/1000 square feet. Ideal timing for seeding is late July when light levels are at their peak. 4.) Fertility: Nitrogen fertilizer application of 0.5 lbs/1000 square feet applied to promote establishment. Nitrogen rates can be adjusted to account for seedling establishment and, if necessary, split into multiple applications. A starter fertilizer including Phosphorous may be necessary if soil testing indicates deficiencies but is likely not required if adequate soil Phosphorous is present (Liu & Landschoot, 2018). 5.) Irrigation: Irrigation applied frequently and in small amounts to encourage a moist, but not
saturated surface until full establishment. 6.) Mowing: First mowing date conducted approximately 2 weeks after seeding. 7.) Resumption of play: Corning Country Club reported that play resumed between four and six weeks after seeding. 8.) Continued exclusion: Continue an exclusion strategy by spot treating areas with herbicides, altering cultural practices to favor new improved species, and growth regulators to maintain proper growth rate and long-term annual bluegrass control. Course closure during prime golfing weather in NY may not be a valid option for some facilities. At Corning CC, the decision was made to complete this process on several fairways per year, completing all fairways in 6 years. This allowed much of the course to remain open, with minor modifications made to allow golfers to play renovated holes either as par 3s, or as normal with a local rule to move balls hit in the fairway to adjacent rough areas. The benefits are numerous. Facilities will immediately realize cost savings of managing new varieties.
Methodical Approach Eradication Approach
Eradication (staggered)
• No course closures • No drastic disruptive practices
• Immediate realization of reduced input savings from management of new varieties • Immediate improved playability • All materials can be purchased at once • Can allow for additional projects to occur during course closure
• Golf course can stay open with minor rule changes for holes in process of conversion • Allows for ability to improve on conversion method year-over-year • Golfers can observe benefits of improved varieties comparing pre- and post-renovated fairways • After the first year, the superintendent must separately manage two types of fairways: pre- and post-renovation • Cost savings from reduced inputs are deferred in part due to several years of maintaining several pre renovation fairways • Materials for conversion must be purchased each year, which may vary in cost or availability over time
• Complete conversion is unlikely • Golfers may find annual voids and seeding practices disruptive • Requires long-term commitment to low-input management principles even when turf quality is not ideal
• Requires complete course closure • Quality of grow-in and length of closure can be affected by poor weather
Converting Fairways to Creeping Bentgrass to Reduce Inputs
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