Convention Booklet 2024 FINAL (01-22-2024)
105th Annual Convention
Disciplinary Board, Lay Member
Steven Palmer, St. Mark’s, St. Paul I have several years experience in manufacturing management as well as being a VA State Trooper in my early years. I believe my background in personnel management and law enforcement would be an asset in finding the problem in the event an investigation is warranted.
Susan Palmer, Trinity, Staunton I was trained as a lawyer but found my calling in higher education, as dean of student affairs and admissions at Washington and Lee, the University of Virginia, and the University of South Carolina’s law schools. At Trinity, Staunton, I am a chorister and have served twice on the vestry, and on the long-range planning, architecture, Christian education, and parish life committees. As a parishioner at St. Martin’s-in-the Fields in Columbia, South Carolina, I was a chorister, vestry member, junior warden, and diocesan delegate. In the Diocese of Upper South Carolina, I was a member, vice president, and president of Diocesan Executive Committee and Standing Committee and chaired the Commission on the Diocese (finance and property) and the Constitution and Canons Committee. I believe that I could bring to service on the Disciplinary Committee an appreciation for fair process, a compassionate listening ear, and a deep love for our Episcopal Church.
Martin Tolhoek, Grace, Lynchburg Born in The Netherlands and raised in the Dutch Reformed Tradition, I became Episcopalian in the late 1970s. Professionally, I spent a lifetime as a Hospitality specialist, with emphasis on Hotel Franchising. After some years in local hotel and restaurant management positions, I spent more than 20 years and finished my career with a large International Hotel Company. My family and I lived in Florida for 15 + years, before relocating to Virginia, where I have lived for more than 37 years. In 2010 I lost my wife Kay. Our daughter Jennifer and son Jon live in Florida and California. In the late 1980’s we became active members of Grace Memorial, Lynchburg. I have served on several vestries both as Senior and Junior Warden, and am active in the Men’s Group. Grace House On The Mountain has been an important part of my life. I have served on the board of Grace House and directed several successful fundraising missions. My immediate goals include supporting my local parish and diocese as I am best able.
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