Convention Booklet 2024 FINAL (01-22-2024)


Voting Procedures Resolution

Whereas the 105 th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia will have the privilege of electing: A) One lay and one clergy member to the Standing Committee, each to serve for a term of three (3) years; and

B) One lay and two clergy members to the Disciplinary Board, each for a term of three (3) years.

Whereas each of the five (5) Convocations may submit a nominee for each of the positions; and,

Whereas it has in the past proved unduly cumbersome to elect such persons by majority vote, as the election procedures have only allowed the elimination of that person receiving the lowest number of votes per ballot; and Whereas in order to expedite the balloting procedures, the Convention has expressed its wish to reduce the number of ballots for election to such positions to not more than three (3); Now therefore be it resolved by the 105th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia as to elections among multiple nominees for Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board; that on the first ballot there be eliminated all but the three (3) candidates for each office receiving the highest number of votes, and that the balloting for Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board thereafter proceed among the three (3) remaining candidates and that on the second ballot and third ballots the one (1) candidate for each office receiving the fewest votes shall be eliminated. And be it further resolved by the 105th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia that if, in any round of balloting for Standing Committee or Disciplinary Board as described above there should be a tie among one or more persons for the privilege of remaining on the ballot, then all of such persons receiving the same number of votes shall remain on the ballot and shall proceed to the next round of balloting, and in such next round of balloting the number of persons equal to the number receiving the same number of votes in the prior round of balloting shall be eliminated (i.e ., if two persons should receive the same number of votes, then each shall remain on the ballot for the next round of balloting at which time the two candidates receiving the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated), except that (i) if there is a tie in voting among the last three candidates for the clergy members to the Disciplinary Board, if one candidate receives the most votes in that round he/she shall be elected and voting shall proceed among the remaining two candidates, and (ii) if there is a tie in voting between all of the last three candidates for the clergy members to the Disciplinary Board, all three candidates shall remain on the ballot and the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the next round of voting shall be elected.


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