Convention Booklet 2023
The Committee moves that Article 15 of the Constitution of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia be amended to read as follows:
The Convention Executive Board shall elect annually, upon nomination by the Bishop with the advice and consent of the standing committee of the dioceseEcclesiastical Authority, a suitable person to be called the Cchancellor of the diocese, who shall be a communicant of this Church and a member of the Virginia State Bar, and who shall continue in office until a successor be elected. The chancellor shall be the advisor of the Eecclesiastical Aauthority and the Eexecutive Bboard upon all legal questions affecting the interest and welfare of the diocese. The Ecclesiastical Authority may, in consultation with the Chancellor, nominate and upon with the consent of the Executive Board, may appoint one or more Vice Chancellors, who shall assist the Chancellor in discharging the duties of the office. A Vice Chancellor shall have the same qualifications as the Chancellor.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura G. Hale, Chair On behalf of the Constitution and Canons Committee
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