Convention Booklet 2023
104th Annual Convention
The Rev. Susan Bentley, St. James, Roanoke I became active in our diocese in 1983 as the Director of Christian Education at Christ Church, Roanoke. Our diocese sponsored me for seminary, and I was ordained in 1990, serving in the Diocese of Chicago for five years and DioSWVA for 27 years. I have been the Rector of St. James, Roanoke for 22 years, and pastor for the Roanoke South Sudanese refugee community for 13 years. I have served on a number of diocesan committees throughout the years, with an extended time on the Commission on Ministry. I am knowledgeable about the Episcopal Church, our diocese, and issues that the Church at large is discussing. I have been at four General Conventions, an elected Deputy at two, and have served as Provincial Synod Deputy several times. I have experience, knowledge, and a heart for the Episcopal Church, as well as being dedicated to renewing/reforming/re-imagining the mission of the institutional Church.
United Thank Offering Coordinator
Lynn Robertson, St. Paul’s, Salem From childhood onward, the UTO Blue Box has been a constant presence in my life. If elected, I will strive to get Blue Boxes and other UTO materials into every home and church in our diocese. I believe that gratitude is a fundamental Christian virtue that the UTO’s programs support and that UTO participation is effective in engaging ordinary Episcopalians, including children, in carrying out the mission of Christ’s church in the world through the Holy Spirit. If elected, I will work to communicate this message throughout our diocese. As a now-retired assistant to Bp. Neff and later to Bp. Mark, I am acquainted with many of our diocesan clergy and lay members and will use these personal relationships to further our diocese’s participation not only in UTO ingatherings but also in making use of the many other resources available through UTO, including assisting parishes in applying for UTO grants.
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