Convention Booklet 2023
104th Annual Convention
The Rev. Tuck Bowerfind, Grace, Lexington I was ordained a priest 1992 in the Diocese of Ohio where I served eight years as Associate Rector at St. Paul's, Cleveland Heights. The work of the Disciplinary Board is not just sanctioning misbehavior. Members of the Clergy have by their vows at ordination accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship, and obedience. The Disciplinary Board helps to resolve conflicts by promoting healing, repentance, forgiveness, restitution, justice, amendment of life, and reconciliation among all involved or affected. Every situation that comes to the Board is unique and requires pastoral discernment. I believe I can be of service in that discernment with over 30 years of ministry in four dioceses in a wide range of settings.
The Rev. Martha Kimsey Bennett, Non-Parochial I am a deacon from the Lynchburg Convocation, currently serving at Trinity, Arrington. I hold a Master of Arts in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, and attended The School of Theology at the University of the South, studying in the Alternative Clergy Training Program (ACTS). I have lived and worked with Christian communities in Canada, the UK, Thailand, and the Philippines. This has given me a broad understanding of the richness of the Church around the world, our hopes, dreams, and challenges as we live into the 21st century as God’s people. In recent years, I worked as a hospital and hospice chaplain in SC and VA. I also work alongside my husband producing documentary films, an endeavor which has taken us to Turkey and Italy to film projects related to the early church. We reside in Amherst County and have two adult children and two border collies!
The Rev. Mark Frazier, St. Thomas, Christiansburg I have been rector of St. Thomas since 2016 and a clergy member of the Diocese since 2008. I served previously as rector at Emmanuel, Bristol and as long-term supply clergy at St. Paul’s, Saltville. After ordination in 2001, I served parishes in the dioceses of New Jersey and Central New York, where I was a member of the Ecclesiastical Court (forerunner of the Disciplinary Board) and Commission on Ministry. In this Diocese, I have served on the Executive Board, the Finance Working Group, and as Dean of both the Abingdon and New River Convocations. I am bi-vocational and am currently assistant professor of biology at Radford University Carilion in Roanoke. In 2017, I traveled to England to be admitted as a member of the Society of Ordained Scientists. I‘ve been married to my wife Amy for 34 years, and we have four daughters.
General Convention, Lay Deputy
Karen Gilmer, St. Thomas, Abingdon I am a cradle Episcopalian and lifetime member of St. Thomas, Abingdon. Before the pandemic, I was active with the introduction of Living Local, Joining God at St. Thomas, convener of the Community Living Committee, and an Usher. More recently, I have been active as a member of the Diocesan Executive Board and Finance Committee, as well as Abingdon Convocation President. If elected to serve as your General Convention Lay Deputy, I will responsibly represent DioSWVA at the 2024 General Convention in Louisville, KY by soaking up as much knowledge as possible throughout the proceedings and relaying it back to you. 20
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