Convention Booklet 2023
104th Annual Convention
Ed Champion, Christ, Blacksburg I am a cradle Episcopalian, and I believe we have a lot to share with our community. I have served as Senior Warden and Junior Warden at Christ Church, Blacksburg. For several years I organized our annual parish audit, and I included a host of parishioners in the effort. I sing tenor in the choir. For the last three years, I have served as parish Director of Christian Education. My experience as a Naval Officer, technical salesman, and Harvard MBA have given me a certain perspective on how organizations can improve. I like to think I am a consensus-builder. I believe meetings need an agenda, and that it is better to listen actively than to speak too much.
Barbara Johnson, St. John’s, Roanoke As a cradle Episcopalian who grew up at St. John's and through my professional career as a retired Human Resources executive, I bring experience gained through varied service to both my parish and the Diocese. My parish involvement has included youth work, EfM mentor, vestry service, including supporting two rectors as senior warden, chairing the Endowment Board, co-chairing a major capital campaign, and leading two rector search committees. I have served as a delegate to Annual Convention on several occasions, currently serve on the diocesan Commission on Ministry, and co chaired the most recent Bishop Search and Nominating Committee. I would be honored to serve as a Lay Member on the Standing Committee.
Standing Committee, Clergy Member
The Rev. Emily Edmondson, Christ, Marion I have had the privilege of serving Christ, Marion since 2012. In my time as clergy, I have served one successful term on the Standing Committee. I currently serve on the Commission on Ministry, the Board of Trustees of Boys’ Home, and I am on the Boards of the Mountain to Mountain Partnership and Grace House on the Mountain. If elected, I will bring years of Diocesan experience to the Standing Committee with a firm commitment to serving God in his church.
The Rev. Chris Roussell, St. John’s, Lynchburg It has been a privilege to have served these past two years on the Standing Committee for the remaining tenure of the Rev. Shelby Owen. I've been honored to serve as the committee's president since the last General Convention. The work of certifying the elections of bishops in our church and working closely with Bishop Mark and diocesan staff in discerning the will of our Lord Jesus Christ has been rewarding, and I would be honored to be entrusted with a full tenure.
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