Conference Program 2018
2018 Confere 2018 Confer
9:30-10:30: KEYNOTE SESSION: 9:30-10:30: KEYNOTE SESSION:
Edwards 117 C
Edwards 117 C
“The Juggling Act of the Modern Caregiver" Pete Shrock First steps in balancing family, career, and social & personal commitments while managing these roles in caregiving relationships; tackling stigmas & negative self-talk caregivers face and highlighting why caregivers are doing better than they think. 10:30-10:45: BREAK 10:45-12:00: MORNING BREAK-OUT SESSIONS BREAK-OUT SESSION A: Edwards 117 C “The Battle for Balance: Finding Your Self in Family Caregiving" Avi Hopkins Empowering yourself to manage family expectations, create processes that work for your caregiving style, and combat compassion fatigue. BREAK-OUT SESSION B: Edwards 123 " Caring for a Loved One: How Smart Home Technology Supports Caregivers ” Chris Moore Realistic, person-centered smart technology that addresses safety concerns while maintaining independence for the individual; interactive discussion of remote support technology that eases care transitions and create greater peace of mind for caregivers. BREAKOUT SESSION C: Edwards 123 & Edwards 126 " Virtual Dementia Simulation" Michael Cranwell & Melisha Darnell An opportunity for participants to engage in an interactive experience into the daily challenges of a person living with dementia or confusion. “The Ju gling Act of the Modern Caregiver" P te Shrock First steps in b lancing family, career, and social & personal commitments while m naging th se roles in caregiving relationships; tackling stigmas & negative self-talk caregivers face and highlighting why caregivers are doing better than they think. 10:30-10:45: BREAK 10:45-12: 0: MOR ING BREAK-OUT SESSIONS BREAK-OUT SESSION A: Edwards 117 C “The Battle for B lance: Finding Your Self in Family Careg ving" Avi Hopkins Empowering yourself to manage family expec ations, create proces es that work for your caregiving style, and combat compassion fatigue. BREAK-OUT SESSION B: Edwards 123 " Caring for a Loved One: How Smart Home Techn logy Su ports Caregivers ” Chris Moore Realistic, person-cent red smart techn logy that addres es safety concerns while mainta ning independence for the individual; interactive discussion of remote support technology that ea es care transitions and create greater peace of mind for caregivers. BREAKOUT SESSION C: Edwards 123 & Edwards 126 " Virtual Dementia Simulation" Michael Cranwell & Melisha Darnell An opportunity for participants to engage in an interactive experience into the daily challenges of a person living with dementia or confusion.
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