Community Foundation of the Virginias 2023 Annual Report

APPRECIATED SECURITIES With a gift of appreciated securities (stocks and bonds), you avoid the capital gains tax that would be imposed if you sell the securities yourself, and you can take an income tax deduction. OTHER APPRECIATED ASSETS Please contact the Foundation to discuss gifts of closely held stock, real estate, or other appreciated assets. BEQUESTS Establishing a fund at the Foundation is a popular planning technique. Designate a certain amount or percentage of your estate to the Foundation. Such bequests are usually fully deductible under estate and inheritance laws. The Foundation will work with your attorney to establish your bequest. PRIVATE FOUNDATION TRANSFER Managing a family or private foundation can sometimes prove costly and difficult. The assets of a private foundation can be transferred to the Foundation where its identity and purpose can be maintained. Family members can serve as advisors, and the fund is relieved of excise taxes and other requirements. DEFERRED GIFTS Gifts of life insurance, gifts from retirement accounts, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts are among the many ways to create a fund that carries out your charitable interest. Please consult your tax and legal advisors for additional information.


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023









$5,012,617 $5,041,462








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