Community Foundation of the Virginias 2022 Annual Report
Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. “Serving the Community Since 1993”
Mission Statement The Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. promotes philanthropy by fostering charitable giving, serving our donors’ interests, and effectively responding to our communities’ needs and opportunities.
President’s Letter .............................................................. 2 Society of Founders .......................................................... 3 The Legacy Society........................................................... 3 Highlights for 2022 ........................................................... 4 Grantmaking ..................................................................... 5 Grant Recipients................................................................ 6 - 9 Grants (Education, Health and Human Services) ............ 6 Grants (Human Services) ................................................. 6 - 8 Grants (Arts and Humanities) .......................................... 8 - 9 Donor Designated and Donor Advised Grants ................. 9 Donors............................................................................... 10 – 11 Business Donors................................................................ 12 In-Kind Donations ............................................................ 12 Memorial Gifts.................................................................. 12 Scholarships ...................................................................... 13 Governance and Administration ....................................... 14 Foundation Committees .................................................... 15 Funds Within The Foundation .......................................... 16 - 18 Establishing A Fund.......................................................... 19 - 20 Assets Graph ..................................................................... 20 Financial Statement...........................................Inside Back Cover Foundation History ..................................................... Back Cover
SOCIETY OF FOUNDERS The Community Foundation wishes to express its profound gratitude to the following individuals, families, financial institutions, businesses, and foundations who are honored as Founders in recognition of their special role in providing the initial funding of the Foundation, that ensured the establishment of the Foundation, and continues to sustain its operation and growth. Ammar Family Fred and Bernice Gilbert Richard and Jay Ammar Rick Kendrick Betty Gardner Bailey J. Franklin and Darnell Long Bluefield Regional Medical Center Marshall Miller & Associates, Inc. Sallie Brevick Norfolk Southern Foundation Paul and Carol Cole Clara Perkinson Stelio J. and Betty T. Corte Charles and Marjorie Peters First Century Bank Rose Sinicrope First Community Bank Katharine Tierney First Virginia Bank – Clinch Valley WVVA-TV THE LEGACY SOCIETY Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. acknowledges the following who have informed us of their plans to leave a legacy to the community through a gift to the Foundation. Gifts can be made through bequests, retirement accounts, insurance policies, and charitable remainder trusts. We thank each donor for his or her forethought and generosity. Anonymous Nick and Jeannie Ameli Floriene Austin Betty Gardner Bailey Lenabelle Bowen Donald W. Caudill, Ph.D. Henry Pleasant Cofer Mabel Mahood Helen Louise Payne Clara Perkinson David Eugene Simmons Gladys Sinicrope Margaret “Trika” Smith -Burke Maurice and Grace Weinberg William D. Evans
New Funds:
• The Lynn Marie Arnold Forlines Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by her family to support students attending Marshall University. • The June Hearn Fletcher and Jack A. Fletcher Scholarship Fund was established for graduating seniors of Bluefield High School and Princeton Senior High School, to pursue vocational training, or a degree in a 2-year or 4-year college. • The Bluefield Elks Club #269 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks have endowed the Allen Light Memorial Fund. Grants and Scholarships: • In 2022, the Foundation Board of Director approved 75 grants for area non-profit organizations that totaled $405,583.42. • The Board also approved 95 scholarship awards for area students that totaled $408,200.00.
The total of awards for the year was $813,83.42.
Officers for 2022:
Dan Shortridge
Vice President: Gene Bailey Secretary: Betty Bailey Treasurer:
Melinda Testerman
Other: The early part of 2022 saw the sudden passing of Lynn Forlines, who was a key part of the operation of the Foundation for twenty years. Lynn’s dedication and diligence as Administrative Assistant truly kept the organization running. Her loss was an enormous blow to the organization.
GRANTMAKING The Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. awarded 75 grants to area non-profits in support of their beneficial projects. These awards totaled $405,583.42 in the Foundation’s 26 th year of grantmaking. Throughout its grantmaking years, the Foundation has invested nearly $3.5 million in area projects. The Foundation truly appreciates the diligence of the active members of the Grants Committee in reviewing and evaluating the applications and preparing the awards recommendations for the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The Committee members are Chairperson Kathleen Blaydes, Mary Jo Babbitt, Gene Bailey, Marie Blackwell, Deborah Garton, Cathy Corte Payne, Mike Swatts, Peter Taylor and Daniel Wells. Information for Grant Seekers The Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc., awards discretionary and field of interest grants to 501(c)(3) and other non-profit organizations in four areas of charitable giving: Education, Health, Human Services, and Arts and Humanities, in the area surrounding Mercer County, West Virginia and Tazewell County, Virginia. Applications are accepted annually fromApril 1 and must be received in the Foundation office or postmarked by June 30. For additional information, contact the Foundation office as follows:
Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. 128 North Street ~ P. O. Box 4127 ~ Bluefield, WV 24701 Phone: 304-324-0222 ~ Email:
GRANTS The Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. approved 75 applications for Grant Awards totaling more than $405,583.42 The awards are broken down into the following Areas of Interest: 6 – Education $ 25,666.88 6 – Health $ 18,460.42 50 – Human Services $262,300.76 13 – Arts & Humanities $ 99,155.36
EDUCATION Appalachian South Folklife Center's Learning Day Camp Learning Day Camp; Ruth Creasy and A. Elmo Fleshman Fund Bluefield Primary School STEAM Park LEGO Education for 21 classrooms; Judge Jerome and Hilda R. Katz Memorial Fund; The Warren Ashby and Elizabeth Featherstone Thornhill Memorial Fund and the Unrestricted Fund Bluefield University Department of Communication Arts Annual cost for the RAMPAGE publication; Bluefield Daily Telegraph Literacy Fund and The Bluefield University Fund Communities in Schools of Southwest VA Program support for at risk students in Tazewell County Schools; Ruth Creasy and A. Elmo Fleshman Fund Concord University Master of Social Work students; Unrestricted Fund HEALTH Mercer County Health Department ECG Interpretation Software; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund Postpartum Support Virginia Maternal mental health issues in Tazewell County, VA; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund and The Quota Club of South Bluefield Foundation Fund Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio Support for families of seriously ill children from Mercer County; William D. Evans Fund Virginia Dental Association Program support for residents of Tazewell County, VA; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund HUMAN SERVICES Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens Wheelchair and scooter replacement parts; American Electric Power Community Service Fund and the Unrestricted Fund Appalachian Sustainable Development "Grow Your Own" program in Tazewell County; Unrestricted Fund Bluefield First Church of the Nazarene Storage shed; Community Action Grant Fund and the Unrestricted Fund Bluefield University's New Opportunity School for Women Leadership and Financial Management Sessions; Alfred and Shirley Wampler Caudill Endowment Fund Bluefield VA Police Department Drone with thermal camera and accessories; Unrestricted Fund Bluewell Lions Club Two Bus Shelters in the Bluewell Area; Anonymous Fund Bluewell United Methodist Church Pinnacle Pantry; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund Boy Scouts of America - Buckskin Council Troop #1 Tents, cooking equipment and training aides; Perkinson Family Fund
Calvary Hill Church
School supplies and personal needs items to area children; Unrestricted Fund Catholic Charities West Virginia Personal Care Pantry; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund Child Protect of Mercer County, Inc.
"Thanksgiving in a Box"; American Electric Power Community Service Fund; The Jeffrey Edward Shott Memorial Fund; Unrestricted Fund Children's Home Society of WV - Princeton Support for Children's Group Sessions; Jeffrey Edward Shott Memorial Fund; Unrestricted Fund Christ Episcopal Church Food Pantry storage and serving facilities; American Electric Power Community Service Fund and the Unrestricted Fund City of Bluefield Code Enforcement/Animal Control Office Animal Carriers, Flashlights, Catch Poles; Unrestricted Fund City of Bluefield Fire Department Body Armor for 16 Firefighters; Helen Louise Payne and Henry Pleasant Cofer Fund for Bluefield, WV City of Bluefield Parks & Rec Department Two ice machines for the Athletic Training Room; Unrestricted Fund City of Bluefield Police Department 35 Medical Trauma Kits for each officer; Helen Louise Payne and Henry Pleasant Cofer Fund for Bluefield, WV City of Princeton Tables, Chairs, TV monitors and Stands for City Hall; Unrestricted Fund Clearfork Volunteer Fire Department
Battery Operated Extrication Tool; Unrestricted Fund Feeding Southwest Virginia
Food Distribution for Tazewell County residents; American Electric Power Community Service Fund; The William D. Evans Fund First Presbyterian Church
Upgrades to the dormitory space; Unrestricted Fund Friends of Pinnacle Rock State Park Foundation, Inc. 10 Picnic Tables; Unrestricted Fund Helpful Harvest Food Bank Trailer, freezers and food; Unrestricted Fund Mary's Cradle Renovations to the office space; Unrestricted Fund Mercer County Fellowship Home, Inc.
Drainage Pipes, Grates, and Laminate Flooring; Unrestricted Fund Mercer County Opportunity Industries Refurbished Printer/Copier/Scanner; Sandra Gayle Monk Memorial Fund Princeton Police Department DUI Checkpoint Equipment; Unrestricted Fund Richlands Fire-Rescue (Rescue Division) Vehicle Repeaters for Ambulance Units, Unrestricted Fund
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Food Pantry Food Pantry; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund; Unrestricted Fund Save A Pet Food Bank
Program Support to feed needy animals; Fannie Kate and Betty Gardner Bailey Fund Second Chance for Cats, Inc.
Program Support to Spay and Neuter Cats; William D. Evans Fund SonShine Preschool & Learning Center "Play-To-Learn" indoor playroom project; Unrestricted Fund Town of Pocahontas VA Police Department Shop with a Cop; Ruth Creasy and A. Elmo Fleshman Fund; Unrestricted Fund Town of Richlands Fire Department Breathing apparatus equipment for firefighters; Unrestricted Fund Town of Richlands Police Department 3 vehicular repeaters, cables and installation; Unrestricted Fund Toys for Tots Remodeling boys and girls’ restrooms; Judge Jerome and Hilda R. Katz Memorial Fund; The Jeffrey Edward Shott Memorial Fund WV Community Services for Women (WISE) Crisis Backpack Program, Drug Court Outreach and Community Care Closets; Unrestricted Fund Young Life Program Support; Bonnie R. Shott Fund; Unrestricted Fund Bluefield Beautification Commission Plant trees and shrubs and refurbish a stone wall; Ammar Family Memorial Fund; Unrestricted Fund Bluewell Improvement Association, Inc. 29 hanging flower baskets and 10 ground planters; Unrestricted Fund Bramwell Foundation Preservation and restoration of the Pence Hotel; Unrestricted Fund Charles T. "Chuck" Mathena II Foundation, Inc. Affordable venue for Mercer County Schools and other non-profits; Charles A. and Marjorie M. Peters Fund Community Connections, Inc. Program Support; Unrestricted Fund Westminster at Wade, DBA The Wade Center Fall 2022 Weekend transportation fees; Unrestricted Fund ARTS AND HUMANITIES 4 PALS Productions, Inc. Portable sound system; Unrestricted Fund Bluefield Arts and Revitalization Corp.
Police Explorers Program - Bluefield & Bramwell; Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund Mercer County Historical Society, Inc.
Living History Weekend at Glenwood Park 2023; Unrestricted Fund
Princeton Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners 2 Pickleball courts and a commercial grade floor scrubber; Unrestricted Fund RiffRaff Arts Collective, Inc.
Audio equipment upgrades; Unrestricted Fund Town of Bluefield VA Beautification/Community Events Replacement of bulbs and glass for 9 decorative poles, ground speaker system and a tent; Unrestricted Fund Town of Bluefield VA Christmas Committee Custom gingerbread house; Unrestricted Fund Total Awarded By 2022 Grant Applications
DONOR-DESIGNATED GRANTS Bible in the Schools in Mercer County B.G. and Rachel Blalock Fund Mercer County Humane Society Pat and Harold Brewster Memorial Fund Historic Pocahontas
The Hebrew Cemetery Fund The Wade Center
Sylvester C. and Janice M. Myers Fund Mercer Charitable Clinic Charles E. and Jerry Ann Myles Fund Burlington United Methodist Family Services, Inc.
Total Awarded Donor-Designated Grants
DONOR-ADVISED GRANTS Presbyterian Children’s Home of the Highlands
Charles and Rebecca Carter Fund
Catholic Charities West Virginia
Charles and Rebecca Carter Fund
ABWE Foundation
The Harvest Blessings Fund Fellowship International Mission The Harvest Blessings Fund Positive Alternative Radio -Spirit FM The Harvest Blessings Fund Bluefield Union Mission, Inc. The Harvest Blessings Fund Appalachian Teen Challenge The Harvest Blessings Fund ABEL Crisis Pregnancy Center, Inc. The Harvest Blessings Fund
Heaven Sent Ministries
The Harvest Blessings Fund Total Awarded Donor-Advised Grants
Harold and Becky Absher Jeffrey Mendell and George Adkins, Jr. Mr. Andrew Agee Mr. and Mrs. Bill Albert Mr. Nick Ameli, Jr. Ms. Mary Jane Ammar Richard F. and Eleanor R. Ammar Martin S and Mary M. Annett Mary K. and Walid H. Azzo Gene F. and Judy L. Bailey John P. and Rebecca E. Beckett Harold and Becky Absh r Jeffrey Mendell and George Adkins, Jr. Mr. Andrew Agee Mr. and Mrs. Bill Albert Mr. Nick Ameli, Jr. Ms. Mary Jane Amm r Rich rd F. and Eleanor R. Ammar Martin S and Mary M. Annett Mary K. and Walid H. Azzo Gene F. and Judy L. Bailey John P. and Rebecca E. Beckett Roland and Patti Belcher Ms. Marie E. Blackwell Mrs. Kathleen B. Blaydes Steve and Vicki Bourne Mr. John Bowers Roland and Patti Belcher Ms. Marie E. Blackwell Mrs. Kathleen B. Blaydes Steve and Vicki Bourne Mr. John Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boyce Francis and Lilian Brady Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brewster, Jr. Allan and Coreen Brookout Dr. Sheila J. Brooks Ms. Gerri Broyles-Lamie Mr. Russell Burney, Jr. Mr. Tyler Butt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell Charles and Rebecca Carter Cameron and Elizabeth Clement Ms. Debra Cline Mr. Charlie Cole Ms. Theresa (Terri) N. Cole Margaret Shires; Lisa Lineberry and Lori Combs Mrs. Cathy Corte Payne Mr. Skip Crane Mr. Braeden Crews Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boyce Francis and Lilian Brady Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brewster, Jr. Allan and Coreen Brookout Dr. Sheila J. Brooks Ms. Gerri Broyles-Lamie Mr. Russell Burney, Jr. Mr. Tyler Butt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell Charles and Rebecca Carter Cameron and Elizabeth Clement Ms. Debra Cline Mr. Charlie Cole Ms. Theresa (Terri) N. Cole Margaret Shires; Lisa Lineberry and Lori Combs Mrs. Cathy Corte Payne Mr. Skip Crane Mr. Braeden Crews Ms. Melissa Currence Ms. Betty Neil Cutlip Ms. Elizabeth Dean Ms. Robin Deyo Dr. Jane Dooley- Stuart Ms. Karen Dye David and Deborah Farber Ms. Meliss Currence Ms. Betty Neil Cutlip Ms. Eliz b th Dean Ms. Robin Deyo Dr. J ne Dooley- Stuart Ms. Karen Dye David and Deborah Farber
Mr. Hugh Ferguson, III William and Nancy Fine Larry W. Pitts and Linda G. Fletcher Mr. Jeff Forlines Ms. Heather Froelicher Ronald E. and Paula H. Gallimore Ms. Pamela Garman Ms. Deborah K. Garton Ms. Gale Gillespie Mr. Carl C. Gillespie, Jr. James C. and Elizabeth A. Goforth Mr. Richard Goldstein W. Wayne and Barbara Pruett Green Mr. Hugh Ferguson, III William and Nancy Fi e Lar y W. Pitts and Linda G. Fletcher Mr. Jeff Forlines Ms. Heather Froelicher Ronald E. and Paula H. Gallimore Ms. Pamela Garman Ms. Deborah K. Garton Ms. Gale Gillespie Mr. Carl C. Gillespie, Jr. James C. and Elizabeth A. Goforth Mr. Richard Goldstein W. Wayne and Barbara Pruett Green Ben and Cindi Guthrie Mr. Craig Hammond Ms. Cary Hart Ms. Elissa Hart-Mahan Mr. Tony Hawkinson John and Kimberly Hickman Mr. Stacey K. Hicks J. Ronald and Karen G. Hypes Mr. Howard Marshall Jarrett Mrs. Julie Johnson James York and Christine Justice Mr. and Mrs. Norris Kantor Mr. David Katz Mr. Martin T. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. David Kersey Mr. and Mrs. Don Kersey, Jr. Mr. David Kirk Matthew C. and Kelly Knowles Dr. and Mrs. Muthusami Kuppusami P Stanley and Linda Hodges William D. and Lisa S. Lineberry Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mariotti, Jr. Douglas E. and Connie E. Marrs Ben and Cindi Guthrie Mr. Craig Hammond Ms. Cary Hart Ms. Elissa Hart-Mahan Mr. Tony Hawkinson John and Kimberly Hickman Mr. Stacey K. Hicks J. Ronald and Karen G. Hypes Mr. Howard Marshall Jarrett Mrs. Julie Johnson James York and Christine Justice Mr. and Mrs. Norris Kantor Mr. David Katz Mr. Martin T. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. David Kersey Mr. and Mrs. Don Kersey, Jr. Mr. David Kirk Matthew C. and Kelly Knowles Dr. and Mrs. Muthusami Kuppusami P Stanley and Linda Hodges William D. and Lisa S. Lineberry Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mariotti, Jr. Dougl s E. and Co nie E. Marrs Mr. Richard "Drew" Marrs Mr. Richard "Drew" Marrs Richard and Karen Marrs Mr. Timothy Marrs Mr. William David Marrs Edward and Elizabeth Martin Mr. James McAlister, Jr. Richard and K ren Mr. Timothy Marrs Mr. William David Marrs Edward and Elizabeth Martin Mr. James McAlister, Jr.
John and Katherine McLeod Mr. Alfred C. Mead, Jr. Ms. Sharon Miller Mr. Barnes Moore Mr. Turner Moore Ms. Susan Morgan Lawrence E. and Carolyn L. Morhous Ms. Laura Hart Murray Ms. Catherine Colan Muth Dr. David Olive Ms. Catherine C. Payne Mr. Allen Peacock Ms. Virginia A. Peacock Mr. Robert E. Perkinson, Jr. Ms. Dafney K. Peters Mr. Dennis Peters Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pullins Mr. Kevin Reeder Thomas and Elizabeth Richardson Mr. James V. Righter Mr. Robert Righter Mabeline M. and Michael Robinson Ms. Teresa A. Robinson Mr. Peter R. Romano Rachel and George Sanborn Byron K. and Gail K. Satterfield Ms. Connie Saunders
Charles D. and Connie J. Shortridge James H. and Diane Shott Mr. and Mrs. John Shott
Ms. Karen Shott Mr. Edward Shutt Ms. Renee Simon
Ronald and Patricia Smiley Daniel D. and Lecia L. Smith Michael K. and Michele E. Smith Ms. Margaret Snow Mr. Thomas Snow W. Fred and Santina St. John Mr. Charles A. Stacey Ms. Rebecca Steorts Wayne S. and Cindy A. Stonestreet Mark and Amy Stowers Mr. William C. Swope Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor Ms. Melinda B. Thomas Harry and Sandra Thompson Diana C. and Benjamin M. Tibbs Brian K. and Lise E. Tracey David R. and Mary Lou Warden Bruce and Genise Whitehurst Donald L. and Mary K. Williams Shawn P. and Steven J. Williams Carl and Barbara Wilson Mr. Thomas Woolley Ms. Sandra Zanko Joe and Sheila Zichettella
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Scott David and Brenda Scruggs Dr. Michael Shahan Dr. and Mrs. James Shanklin
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens Bailey-Kirk Funeral Home, Inc. Bill Cole Automall Bluefield University Bluewells Family Pharmacy, Inc. Center for International Understanding City of Bluefield, WV Cole Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Cole Honda Nissan Subaru Kia Concord University Foundation, Inc. Dairy Queens of Bluefield / Princeton David Eugene Simmons Trust Elks Club Raffle Account First Bank & Trust Company First Community Bank Ramey Toyota, Inc. Sibbri Foundation Summit Community Bank The Ennio and Rosa Corte Foundation Town of Bluefield, VA Trevor Mullins Agency Truist Virginia Bankers Assoc. Westminster At Wade, Inc. DBA The Wade Center Whiskey Obsession WV Community Services for Women WVVA
Brown, Edwards & Co., L.L.P. James H. Shott Wayne Stonestreet
Lynn Forlines Bruce Allen Puckett Don Whitt Rick Bourne Carl S. Thomas, Jr. Marsha Mead Juanita Marrs 89 th Birthday
SCHOLARSHIPS In the 2022 Scholarships Cycle, the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. approved 137 scholarship awards from 37 endowed funds. These awards totaled $408,200. Graduating high school seniors received 67 awards and 29 previous recipients qualified for renewals of their scholarships. High school seniors receiving awards attended the following schools: Bluefield High School, Graham High School, Montcalm High School, Pikeview High School, Princeton Senior High School, Richlands High School, and Tazewell High School. The Foundation appreciates the diligence of the Scholarships Committee consisting of Gene Bailey, Tom Chaffins, and Deborah Garton in reviewing and evaluating the applications and preparing the awards recommendations for the Foundation’s Board of Directors. SC I In the 022 Scholarships Cycle, the Board of Directors of the it oundation of the Virginias, Inc. approved 137 scholarship awards fro 37 e . se a ards totaled $408,200. Graduating high sch ol seniors received 6 r i us recipients qualified for r newals of their scholarships. High school s i r s at ended the f llowing schools: Bluefield High Sch ol, Graha i l igh Scho l, Pik view High School, Princeton Senior High Sch ol, i l l, a d Tazewell High School. The Foundation appreciates the diligence of the Scholarshi s itt c nsisting of Gene Bailey, Tom Chaffins, and Deborah Garton in reviewing and evaluating the applications and preparing the awards reco mendations for the Foundation’s Board of irectors.
Robert Austin Family Scholarship Jane Bobbitt Scholarship Don and Brenda Brohard Scholarship Robert Austin Family Scholarship Jane Bobbitt Scholarship Don and Brenda Brohard Scholarship Alfred and Shirley Wampler Caudill Scholarship Alfred and Shirley Wampler Caudill Scholarship Wayne Christian Scholarship Wayne Christian Scholarship Alex Mahood Civitan Scholarship Alex Mahood Civitan Scholarship Cole Harley-Davidson Military and First Responder Cole Harley-Davidson Military and First Responder Pauline Wilson Dooley Scholarship Pauline Wilson Dooley Scholarship Larry and Patsy Douglas Scholarship Graham High School Scholarship Larry and Patsy Douglas Scholarship Graham High School Scholarship ER Gillespie Scholarship Grants Supermarket Scholarship Ora Hunter Hancock Family Scholarship Harmon Lodge #222 A.F. & A.M. Scholarship Lindsay Rebekah Haun Memorial Scholarship ER Gillespie Scholarship Grants Supermarket Scholarship Ora Hunter Hancock Family Scholarship Harmon Lodge #222 A.F. & A.M. Scholarship Lindsay Rebekah Haun Memorial Scholarship Joetta Collins Hooker Memorial Scholarship Foundation of Health Services of the Virginias, Inc. Joetta Collins Hooker i l larship Foundation of Health Services of the Virg nias, Inc. Ken nd Rick Kendrick S holars ip Ralph H. and Shirley D. Kiser Family Scholarship Dr. David A. Kovach Family Scholarship Ken and Rick Kendrick Scholarship Ralph H. and Shirley D. Kiser Family Scholarship Dr. David A. Kovach Family Scholarship Sue Mandeville Scholarship Mary Ellen and Ralph McCue Scholarship Marsha A. Mead, PhD. Scholarship Endowment Sue Mandeville Scholarship Mary Ellen and Ralph McCue Scholarship Marsha A. Mead, PhD. Scholarship Endowment Marshall Miller Scholarship Susanne Nelson, Ph.D., Scholarship Cyrus Leroy and Blanche Mae Nicholson Scholarship Lauren Alexis Perdue Memorial Scholarship Marshall Miller Scholarship Susanne Nelson, Ph.D., Scholarship Ann and Geno Preservati Scholarship James C. Ramey, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Roy R. Raub, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Joshua Lee Shutt Memorial Scholarship Cyrus Leroy and Blanche Mae Nicholson Scholarship Lauren Alexis Perdue Memorial Scholarship Ann and Geno Preservati Scholarship James C. Ramey, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Roy R. Raub, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Joshua Lee Shutt Memorial Scholarship Rose Sinicrope Scholarship William G. Skewes Memorial Scholarship Dr. Margaret "Trika" Smith-Burke Scholarship Lil' Tony Webster "Forever 5" Scholarship Maurice and Grace Hanna Weinberg Scholarship Rose Sinicrope Scholarship William G. Skewes Memorial Scholarship Dr. Margaret "Trika" Smith-Burke Scholarship Lil' Tony Webster "Forever 5" Scholarship Maurice and Grace Hanna Weinberg Scholarship Dr. Jack Walter Witten Scholarship
5 Awards 3 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 4 Awards 1 Award 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 6 Awards 13 Awards 1 Award 4 Awards 2 Awards 13 Awards 2 Awards 48 Awards 1 Award 5 Awards 3 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 4 Awards 1 Award 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 1 ard 2 ards 1 r r 2 r s r s 1 r ard 2 ards 1 ard 1 Award 2 Awards 1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 2 Awards 6 Awards 13 Awards 1 Award 4 Awards 2 Awards 13 Awards 2 Awards 48 A ards 1 ard
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dr. Jack Walter Witten Scholarship
Dan Shortridge, President Betty Bailey, Secretary
Gene Bailey, Vice President Melinda Testerman, Treasurer
Board Members
Class of 2022: Kathleen Blaydes; Tom Chaffins; Samuel Hill; Cathy Corte Payne; Mike Swatts; Melinda Testerman Class of 2023 : Jack Asbury; Mary Jo Babbitt; Julie Johnson; Doris Sue Kantor; Dan Shortridge Class of 2024: Mary Azzo; Betty Bailey; Marie Blackwell; Kermit Moore; Peter Taylor; Daniel Wells Class of 2025: Gene Bailey; Deborah Garton; Craig Hammond; Stacey Hicks; Rick Kendrick Staff James H. “Smokey” Shott, Executive Director Rebekah Ritter, Administrative Assistant Accountant Brown, Edwards, & Co., L.L.P. Trustee Banks First Community Bank = Summit Community Bank = Truist Member Chamber of Commerce of the Two Virginias Tazewell Chamber of Commerce Philanthropy West Virginia Council on Foundations
Grants Committee Kathleen Blaydes, Chair Mary Azzo Mary Jo Babbitt Gene Bailey Marie Blackwell
Executive Committee
Dan Shortridge, Chair *Nick Ameli Deborah Garton Rick Kendrick Peter Taylor James H. Shott
Carole Dodson Deborah Garton Craig Hammond Kermit Moore Cathy Corte Payne Mike Swatts Peter Taylor Daniel Wells *Cathy Zimmerman
Finance and Investments Treasurer, Melinda Testerman *Nick Ameli *Richard F. Ammar Sam Hill
Julie Johnson Kermit Moore Dan Shortridge Mike Swatts James H. Shott
Scholarship Committee Gene Bailey, Acting Chair *George Brooks Tom Chaffins
Deborah Garton *Lisa Lineberry *Sharon Webster *Cathy Zimmerman
Special Projects
*Nick Ameli, Chair *Richard F. Ammar Mary Azzo Mary Jo Babbitt Marie Blackwell Doris Sue Kantor
Nomination Committee Dan Shortridge, Chair *Nick Ameli *Richard Ammar James H. Shott
Dan Shortridge James H. Shott
* Community Member
FUNDS WITHIN THE FOUNDATION A fund can be established with $10,000 in a single contribution or in installments over a five-year period. Contributions can be made in any amount to the listed funds. American Electric Power Community Service Fund – For health, hunger and housing Ammar Family Memorial Fund – For beatification in the City of Bluefield, WV Anonymous Fund – For Community needs Robert Austin Family Scholarship Fund – For students attending Bluefield University Fannie Kate And Betty Gardner Bailey Fund – Supports organizations that care for cats B. G. “Bev” And Rachel Blalock Family Fund – Supports “Bible in the Schools” Bluefield University Fund – Scholarship assistance for Mercer and Tazewell County Bluefield Daily Telegraph Literacy Fund – For literacy initiatives Bluefield High School Endowment Fund – Supports all facets of BHS Bluefield High Schools’ Alumni Fund – Scholarship assistance for BHS seniors BHS Class Of ’56 Fund – For emergency needs of BHS Bluefield High School Class Of 1963 Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Jane Bobbitt Scholarship Fund – For PHS seniors majoring in nursing Ghia M. Borg Memorial Fund – For human needs Bovenizer Pharmacy Scholarship Endowment – Provides for pharmacy scholarships Pat And Harold Brewster Memorial Fund – Support for Mercer Co. Humane Society Don And Brenda Brohard Scholarship Fund – For PHS scholarship assistance Charles And Rebecca Carter Fund – To assist abused children Alfred And Shirley Wampler Caudill Endowment Fund – Supports educational activities Alfred And Shirley Wampler Caudill Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Wayne Christian Scholarship Fund – For PHS seniors majoring in healthcare Tom Colley Memorial Fund – Support for the Center for International Understanding Community Action Grant Fund – Supports community growth Community Foundation of The Virginias Administrative Fund – To defray expenses Cole Harley-Davidson Military and First Responders Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for children of first responders or military personnel Iona Pauline Wilson Dooley Scholarship Fund – Medical field scholarship assistance Larry And Patsy Douglas Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance William D. Evans Fund – For community betterment Ruth Creasy And A. Elmo Fleshman Fund – Support for female youth June Hearn Fletcher and Jack A. Fletcher Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Lynn Marie Arnold Forlines Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for students attending Marshall University E.R. Gillespie Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for Shell Oil affiliation G.P., Inc. Fund – Support of United Methodist family services Glenwood Park Foundation, Inc. Fund – Support for the elderly Graham High School Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for GHS seniors Grants Supermarket Fund – Scholarship assistance for Grants affiliation C. B. And Ora Hunter Hancock Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for BHS seniors Harman Lodge #222, A.F. & A.M. Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for Lodge affiliations Harvest Blessings Fund – For organizations supporting Christian activities
Lindsay Rebekah Haun Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for PHS performing arts students
Foundation Of Health Services of The Virginias, Inc. Fund – Scholarship assistance for students majoring in healthcare Hebrew Cemetery Fund – For maintenance of the Hebrew Cemetery Ed And Doris Hooker American History Fund – Financial Award for seniors at River View High School and Mount View High School Joetta Collins Hooker Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for River View and Mount View High seniors majoring in education Max L. And Virginia S. Kammer Family Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for students attending WVU Judge Jerome and Hilda R. Katz Memorial Fund – To benefit youth Kendrick Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for athletes at Concord University Kendrick Bluefield State University Fund – Scholarship assistance for athletes at BSU Ken And Rick Kendrick Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for PHS bus. majors Otis “Slim” Kidd Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for welding education Ralph H. And Shirley D. Kiser Family Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for students in the BU Ministerial program Dr. David A. Kovach Family Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for GHS seniors Alan Light Memorial Fund – Bluefield Elks #269 – New Fund Janie Poteet Light Fund for Art Studies – To support artistic ambitions Alex B. Mahood, Jr. Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for GHS and BHS students Sue Mandeville Scholarship Fund – Assistance for PHS seniors majoring in nursing Bill And Juanita Marrs Endowment Fund for The Two Virginias – For scholarship assistance and/or to provide financial assistance to non-profit organizations Mary Ellen And Ralph McCue Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for BHS Fund For Mercer County – For service to low-income Mercer County residents Marshall Miller Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for engineering/geology Sandra Gayle Monk Memorial Fund – Benefits handicapped citizens of Mercer County Mountain Heart Foundation Donor Designated Fund – Financial assistance for children with heart disease to attend Camp Mountain Heart Sylvester C. And Janice M. Myers Fund – Support for the Wade Center Charles E. And Jerry Ann Myles Fund – Support for Mercer Charitable Clinic Susanne Nelson Ph.D., Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for PHS seniors Cyrus Leroy And Blanche Mae Nicholson Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for students majoring in agriculture or art Helen Louise Payne and Henry Pleasant Cofer Fund for Bluefield, WV – Benefits the Bluefield, WV area Lauren Alexis Perdue Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance to BHS Perkinson Family Fund – Supports youth projects Charles A. And Marjorie M. Peters Fund – Unrestricted Anne And Geno Preservati Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for studies in mechanics or accounting James C. Ramey, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Roy R. Raub, Md Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Ridge Runner Fund – For upkeep of the Ridge Runner Train Rotary Club of Bluefield, WW Donor Designated Fund – Unrestricted Bonnie R. Shott Fund – For the purpose of fine arts William “Bill” Lineberry Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for the study of Automotive Technology Marsha A. Mead, Ph.D. Scholarship Endowment – Scholarship assistance for psychology majors of BU Quota Club of South Bluefield Foundation Fund – Promotes health and welfare of women and children
Jeffrey Edward Shott Memorial Fund – To benefit the youth of the area Joshua Lee Shutt Memorial Fund – Scholarship assistance for PHS seniors and/or to aid the youth in Mercer County Rose Sinicrope Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church William G. Skewes Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistances for engineering Michael Christopher Smith Memorial Fund – A pass through fund Margaret “Trika” Smith-Burke Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for RHS James And Rebecca Steorts Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for students Jeffrey Edward S rial Fund – To ben fit the youth of the area Joshua L e Shu t i l und – Scholarship assista c f r S seniors and/or to aid the youth in Mercer County Rose Sinicrope Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church William G. Skewes Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistances for engineering Michael Christopher Smith Memorial Fund – A pass through fund Margaret “Trika” Smith-Burke Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for RHS James And Rebecca Steorts Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for students att nding Concord Univ rsity majoring in business or English A ne And Luke Tabor Memori l Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assist nce for athletes at Conco d University Warren Ashby And Elizabet Featherst e Thornhill Memorial Fund – Unrestricted Trails t Bluefield City Park Fund – Provides maintenance/upkeep for the trails Unrestricted Fund – Unrestricted use to benefit the community Mary June Wall Charitable Fund – To assist those with mental disabilities Lil Tony Webster “Forever 5” Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for Mercer Co. Maurice And Grace Hanna Weinberg Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Doctor Jack Walter Witten Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for THS Yakkity-Yak Playground Fund – Provides maintenance/upkeep for playground attending Concord University majoring in business or English Anne And Luke Tabor Memorial Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for athletes at Concord University Warren Ashby And Elizabeth Featherstone Thornhill Memorial Fund – Unrestricted Trails At Bluefield City Park Fund – Provides maintenance/upkeep for the trails Unrestricted Fund – Unrestricted use to benefit the community Mary June Wall Charitable Fund – To assist those with mental disabilities Lil Tony Webster “Forever 5” Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for Mercer Co. Maurice And Grace Hanna Weinberg Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance Doctor Jack Walter Witten Scholarship Fund – Scholarship assistance for THS Yakkity-Yak Playground Fund – Provides maintenance/upkeep for playground
Financial Statements are available upon written request from:
Commonwealth of Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs P.O. Box 1163 Richmond, VA 23218 Commonwealth of Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs P.O. Box 1163 Richmond, VA 23218
State of West Virginia Secretary of Stat Building 1, Suite 157-K 1900 Kanawha Blvd. Charleston, V 25305
Financial Statements are available upon written request from:
State of West Virginia Secretary of State Building 1, Suite 157-K 1900 Kanawha Blvd. Charleston, WV 25305
ENDOWMENT FUND OPTIONS Individuals, families or groups may wish to establish a permanent endowment fund. Donors may select the type of fund that best suits their charitable interests, name the fund, and determine how to fund it. A minimum of $10,000 is required to establish a fund. BUILD-A-FUND The Foundation’s Build -A-Fund option enables donors to develop a charitable fund over time. This opens the door to those who would like to give back to the community, but have felt philanthropy was out of reach. The fund is established by making tax-deductible contributions of $2,000 or more for up to five years. UNRESTRICTED This type of fund provides the Board of Directors the most latitude and flexibility in responding to changing community needs in the broadest areas of charitable interests for the present and future. FIELD-OF-INTEREST This type of fund addresses the particular areas of charitable interest or needs of the donor, but does not limit grants to a particular nonprofit organization. DONOR-DESIGNATED This type of fund allows donors to name one or more specific nonprofit charitable organizations or area of need to receive grants from the fund. DONOR-ADVISED This type of fund allows donors or an appointed Advisory Committee to make periodic recommendations for grant distributions from the fund. ORGANIZATION ENDOWMENT This type of fund allows nonprofit organizations to establish a named permanent endowment fund for their own benefit within the Foundation, rather than establishing and managing a separate fund or foundation. SCHOLARSHIP This type of fund provides opportunities for donors to aid area students in furthering their education. GIVING OPTIONS The simplest way to make a gift to the Foundation is with cash, however, there are many giving options available to make a lasting contribution to the community. 19
APPRECIATED SECURITIES With a gift of appreciated securities (stocks and bonds), you avoid the capital gains tax that would be imposed if you sell the securities yourself, and you can take an income tax deduction. OTHER APPRECIATED ASSETS Please contact the Foundation to discuss gifts of closely held stock, real estate, or other appreciated assets. BEQUESTS Establishing a fund at the Foundation is a popular planning technique. Designate a certain amount or percentage of your estate to the Foundation. Such bequests are usually fully deductible under estate and inheritance laws. The Foundation will work with your attorney to establish your bequest. PRIVATE FOUNDATION TRANSFER Managing a family or private foundation can sometimes prove costly and difficult. The assets of a private foundation can be transferred to the Foundation where its identity and purpose can be maintained. Family members can serve as advisors, and the fund is relieved of excise taxes and other requirements. DEFERRED GIFTS Gifts of life insurance, gifts from retirement accounts, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts are among the many ways to create a fund that carries out your charitable interest. Please consult your tax and legal advisors for additional information. APPRECIATED SECURITIES With a gift of appreciated securities (stocks and bonds), you avoid the capital gains tax that would be imposed if you sell the securities yourself, and you can take an income tax deduction. OTHER APPRECIATED ASSETS Please contact the Foundation to discuss gifts of closely held stock, real estate, or other appreciated assets. BEQUESTS Establishing a fund at the Foundation is a popular planning technique. Designate a certain amount or percentage of your estate to the Foundation. Such bequests are usually fully deductible under estate and inheritance laws. The Foundation will work with your attorney to establish your bequest. PRIVATE FOUNDATION TRANSFER Managing a family or private foundation can sometimes prove costly and difficult. The assets of a private foundation can be transferred to the Foundation where its identity and purpose can be maintained. Family members can serve as advisors, and the fund is relieved of excise taxes and other requirements. DEFERRED GIFTS Gifts of life insurance, gifts from retirement accounts, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts are among the many ways to create a fund that carries out your charitable interest. Please consult your tax and legal advisors for additional information.
Cash and cash equivalents Interest and dividends receivable
$ 329,124 16,834 12,488,962 231,458
$ 379,767 12,932 15,153,500 241,558
Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Amount held on behalf of others
415 980
415 1,567
Other payables
NET ASSETS Net assets without donor restrictions Net assets with donor restrictions
532,236 12,532,747
STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES December 31, 2022 and 2021 2022
$ 220,135 3,000 331,064 (2,341,964)
916,225 3,000 244,954 1,652,211
Rental income
Interest and dividend income
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments
Total revenues, gains and other support
Change in net assets
NET ASSETS Beginning
Foundation History
he Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. was formed by a merger of the Bluefield Area Foundation and the Greater Mercer County Charitable Foundation in June 2002. This joining together of talent, ideas, energy, and resources allowed the Foundation to better and more fully serve the residents of Mercer County, WV and Tazewell County, VA. Each of the organizations had a strong and established history of serving the charitable needs of the community. The Bluefield Area Foundation was established in 1993 and had experienced sustained growth due to the dedication and leadership of Foundation volunteer directors. A wide variety of non-profit organizations, providing health, human services, educational, and cultural programs, have directly benefited from grants awarded from the Foundation. The Greater Mercer County Charitable Foundation was founded in 1998. It was established to address the changing and varied needs of the community, and to provide assistance in the areas of education, the arts, health services, human services, and recreation, and to provide a number of college scholarships to area students. The efforts of the GMCCF have enhanced and improved the Greater Mercer County area. In March 2003, the Community Foundation of the Virginias announced the first grant recipients of the newly formed organization. The awards were made utilizing a competitive grants program and were administered by the Grants Committee. This committee was comprised of Foundation Directors and community members. Through the Grants Cycle in 2022, the Foundation’s Grants and Scholarships Programs have awarded over $4,600,000 to its communities. These awards have benefited a wide variety of programs, individuals, organizations, schools, and service groups. The flexibility of the Community Foundation ensures that the best programs and organizations continue to receive funding, while allowing for support of new programs and ideas as the community evolves. Philanthropic efforts are available to all through the Community Foundation of the Virginias. By pooling assets, supporters of all financial levels can join in support of their community. The Foundation provides an array of giving opportunities: memorial gifts, honorary donations, the establishment of new funds for named individuals or causes, legacy gifts through donations from estate planning, as well as monetary gifts of all sizes. The Community Foundation of the Virginias is just one example of the communities in Mercer and Tazewell counties joining together with the common goal of community improvement for all. Through the combined efforts of all area citizens, the community continues to grow and improve for today and the generations of tomorrow.
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