College Profile 2023
Clemson students mentor elementary and middle schoolers through CU-REACH
A llyson Drawdy had never really considered the social disparities that some people in the community face until she took a sociology class as a first-year student at Clemson University. “It allowed me to look at the Clem son community with a different lens,” said Drawdy, a senior biochemistry major. That insight compelled her to create a tutoring and mentoring program called CU-REACH (Clemson Uni versity Reaching for Equitable and Cultural Heights), which pairs Clemson students with elementary and middle schools in the community. To address the disparities Drawdy recognized, which were magnified during the pandemic, CU-REACH participants work with students in the after-school program at the Littlejohn Community Center. Littlejohn, located less than three miles from the heart of the Clem son campus, supports the communities of Clemson and Central through educa tion, job training, child care and meals.
‘It inspired me to try to bridge the gap between Clemson students and these students.’ Allyson Drawdy, former biochemistry major
“I felt like the COVID-19 pandem ic highlighted the contrast between students on campus versus students living five miles away and going to our local schools and the differences in opportunities and educational levels,” said Drawdy, a former president of the College of Science Student Advisory Board. “It inspired me to try to bridge the gap between Clemson students and these students.” CU-REACH just completed its third semester. Participants have im proved academically and in social skills. “Science is very hard for many of our students. Having students from the College of Science and other depart ments mentor our students, I knew
it would be a win-win situation,” said Adriane Jackson-Garner, executive director of the Littlejohn Community Center. “Our students can’t wait for Tuesday and Thursday to get here.” The younger students aren’t the only ones benefiting from the program. Clemson students taking part in CU REACH also receive mentoring and guidance from Clemson faculty and staff. “This mentoring program is for our students to get to know and support the community and develop leadership and other professional skills that they need for their future,” said Yuki Kihara, assistant director of global engagement at Clemson.
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