College Profile 2023
Faculty Rising Stars
The College of Science attracts some of the brightest young minds in scientific research to our faculty. They are exploring consequential topics, and their work could help solve the challenges of tomorrow. Here is just a sampling.
Keisha Cook School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Assistant Professor Keisha Cook’s research encompasses applied mathematics and computational biology, specifically stochastic processes, probability and mathematical modeling. On the biology side, she studies the transport of organelles in live cells. Mathematically, she uses simulations and statistical analysis to understand the underlying properties that influence their transport. She received an MSEG Fellowship, awarded by Mathematically Gifted & Black and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Samantha Price Assistant Professor Samantha Price joined the Department of Biological Sciences faculty in 2017. Her lab, the Macroevolution Lab @ Clemson, studies how the incredi ble diversity of body shapes, sizes and other morphological features of vertebrates have evolved over deep-time in response to shifts in their habitat, diet and environment. Price received a National Science Foundation Early Faculty Career Development Award, one of the most prestigious awards to young faculty.
Thao Tran Thao T. Tran is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry. Her research team applies chemical logic and unmatched tunability innate to extended solids to address fundamental challenges in quantum technologies. The research emphasizes three crucial domains: creating and understanding new multifunctional materials, developing a roadmap for navigating the journey of materials design, and development and advancing quantum information science.
Yao Wang Yao Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Chemistry. His research interests lie in elucidating quantum many-body systems using state-of-the art computational techniques. He is particularly interested in bridging experimental observations with theoretical models. He is the recipient of a Young Investigator Research Program Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and an Early Career Award from the U.S. Department of Energy.
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