
Club, District, and Area Awards for Growth Clubs who maintain a 20% growth rate may earn a dues rebate of $4 per member. Use the form, at right, to apply for your rebate. This form asks for your club membership numbers at various points during the last year - January, September, and December. Those figures must be varifiable with the audit and invoice report records at the National Office. Applies to adult Ruritan clubs. Dues Rebate for Clubs With 20% Growth

Dues Rebate Request Our club qualifies for the dues rebate because we increased our membership by 20% by December and maintained that increase through March. Please send us $4 per member for ________ members based on the statistics below for a total of $ _____. Applies to adult Ruritan clubs. Club: __________________ Club Number: _____ District: ________________________ Please complete the statistics below according to your records. Ruritan National will verify the numbers in the na- tional database. Total of members at the BEGINNING of January ______ Grand total of members December 31 _____ Grand total of members through the first quarter of the next year ______ % Gain between January and December ______ (and maintained through first quarter) Club Secretary’s Signature________________ Date_______ NOTES: (to be used by National Office Staff) ______ _____________________________________  Even though our club qualifies for the Dues Rebate, we choose to let the money remain with Ru- ritan National. (check here if this is your preference.) Fill in this rebate form and mail to: Accounting Department, Ruritan National, P.O. Box 487, Dublin, VA 24084

Club Membership Increase Award 1. Requirements: In order for an adult club to be eligible to receive the Club Membership Increase Award, the club must be at or above charter strength (increase included) at the conclusion of the year considered. The Ruritan club with the largest percentage net increase of membership in each category (small, medium, large) will earn a plaque. 2. Time Period: January 1 through December 30 3. Responsible for Verifying: Ruritan National Office 4. Type of Award: An appropriate plaque will be presented to the club with the largest percentage net increase in membership in each category. Certificates will be presented to the second, third, fourth, and fifth place winners in each category. The categories are defined as small clubs are 16-35 members, medium clubs 36-75 members, and large clubs 76 and over. 5. Award Presentation: Ruritan National President 6. When Presented: Awards will be presented at the Ruritan National Convention. 7. Other Information: Club must be at or above charter strength with increase included to receive award.


An Area Growth Recognition Program was approved by the Ruritan National Board of Directors based on percentage of membership growth. The winning area will be recognized by the Ruritan National President at the National Convention with two (2) approximately 12” H x 24” L vehicle magnetic signs that can be displayed by the area governor or designee as he/she travels the area. The signs will be accepted by the area governor or designee at the Ruritan National Convention. Area Growth Recognition Program


Revised 8/2016

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