Yearly Schedule for Club Officers
DISTRICT MEETINGS 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. President sees that club has representatives at all appropriate meetings called by the district governor or zone governor. 3. Officers cooperate with district cabinet. 4. Delegates and members attend district convention. 5. Club officers attend zone meetings. JANUARY 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. Vice president reports for the Objectives Committee, hands copy of recommended objectives to each club member, leads discussion of recommended objectives, and secures final approval of club objectives for the year and their estimated cost. 3. President appoints a club Growth and Development Committee to investigate the possibility of and to assist in the formation of new clubs. 4. Club delegates attend Ruritan National Convention. 5. Audit committee reports. 6. Finance Committee holds a meeting to determine the best method of raising funds to carry out club objectives. 7. Other committees hold meetings to outline plans for completing objectives. (Community Service, Growth and Development, Program, Fellowship, etc.) 8. Secretary will confirm or correct monthly Member- ship Audit and Invoice report sent from Ruritan Na- tional Office and treasurer issues a check for national dues to be sent to Ruritan National with the quarterly Activities and Attendance report included in the Secretary’s Handbook. Duplicate copies of this report should be sent to the district governor, district lt. gov- ernor, zone governor, and national representative with one copy retained for the club files. 9. Now is time to complete Foundation Grant Applications ‑Deadline for all applications is April 1. 10. Club officers’ training should be attended. FEBRUARY 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. Blue Ribbon and Outstanding Club President ap- plications due Feb. 10. 3. Vice president calls for a report from each of the com- munity service committees, asking for plans for carrying out approved objectives. 4. President calls for reports from the Growth and De- velopment and Finance Committees. 5.Delegates who attended Ruritan National Convention report. 6. President conducts or arranges for a review of the club bylaws, emphasizing any recent changes. 7. All club officers’ training must be completed. MARCH 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover).
2. The treasurer and Audit Committee prepare 990 tax form, it is required (see Treasurer’s Handbook). 3. Foundation scholarship applications due at Ruritan National Office by April 1. APRIL 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. Secretary will confirm or correct monthly Member- ship Audit and Invoice report sent from Ruritan Na- tional Office and treasurer issues a check for national dues to be sent to Ruritan National with the quarterly Activities and Attendance report included in the Secretary’s Handbook. Duplicate copies of this report should be sent to the district governor, district lt. gov- ernor, zone governor, and national representative with one copy retained for the club files. 3. The president checks with Audit Committee and treasurer to see that Form 990 has been completed and mailed to the Internal Revenue Service. MAY 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. RURITAN NATIONAL BIRTHDAY ‑ May 21, 1928. Cel- ebrate the national birthday in your club, zone, or district. RURITAN SUNDAY/RURITAN WEEK ‑ the week in which the 21st of May falls is Ruritan Week. The Sunday at the beginning of that week is Ruritan Sunday. 3. Treasurer will complete IRS 990, 990 EZ, or 990 N electronic postcard. JUNE Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). JULY 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. Secretary will confirm or correct monthly Member- ship Audit and Invoice report sent from Ruritan Na- tional Office and treasurer issues a check for national dues to be sent to Ruritan National with the quarterly Activities and Attendance report included in the Secretary’s Handbook. Duplicate copies of this report should be sent to the district governor, district lt. gov- ernor, zone governor, and national representative with one copy retained for the club files. 3. President prepares a club report for summer zone meeting. AUGUST 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. President appoints Nominating Committee. (Should instruct members of this committee on the importance of their duties and be sure that they get acceptance from each person to be nominated.) SEPTEMBER 1. Follow meeting procedure (inside front cover). 2. Vice president meets with the president, secretary,
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