
Ruritans Should Observe Harassment Policy Ruritan National is a diverse organization.

This policy does not intend to: discourage invitations to social events, discourage appro- priate comments on personal appearance, or discourage innocent activities. Employees and volunteers are expected to use good judgement and to avoid even the appearance of sexual im- propriety in all interactions with employees and volunteers. Inappropriate actions reflect on Ruritan as a whole. Employees or volunteers should report inappropriate actions to the Executive Direc- tor, the National President or a member of the management team. Ruritan will take appropriate action to resolve the matter upon investigation of the action or incident. Ruritan prohibits retaliation against any per- son who claims harassment. This policy applies to: employees of Ruritan National, Officers of Ruritan National, Directors of Ruritan National, Trustees of the Ruritan Na- tional Foundation, District Cabinet members, and all other volunteer leaders including those at the district, zone, and club level.

We have all types of members and we serve all sectors of the community. It is important that all Ruritan leaders and Ruritan club members observe the Ruritan policy on harassment as they conduct their day-to-day dealings with each other and the general public. Ruritan is committed to providing an environ- ment that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, national ori- gin or ethnicity, age, weight, disability, religion or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. As an example, sexual harassment (both overt and subtle) is a form of misconduct that is demeaning to another person, under- mines the integrity of the organization, and is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment specifically occurs when supervisors, co-workers, or Ruritan volunteers: make unwelcome advances, make abusive physical contact, make repeated comments or gestures of a sexual nature, or create a hostile or intimidating environment.

Ruritan Emblems & Clip Art The Ruritan name and emblem are registered trademarks and the sole property of Ruritan National. Any use or reproduction thereof in commerce is expressly prohibited without written permission of the Ruritan National Board of Directors. This does not restrict club use of the emblem except where it is used for commercial purposes. The Ruritan National emblem and Ruritan National Foundation emblem only are available as computer graphics through Ruritan Supply. Call (800) 836-5431 for information. All artwork can be supplied by e-mail or taken from the Ruritan National website at

The Ruritan name and emblem are registered trademarks and the sole property of Ruritan National. Any use or reproduction thereof in commerce is expressly prohibited without written

permission of the Ruritan National Board of Directors. This does not restrict club use of the emblem except where it is used for commercial purposes.



“America’s Leading Community Service Organization.”

Revised 8/2016

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