
Sample Radio Spots

Public Service Announcement for Ruritan Week Happy birthday Ruritan! May date marks the anniversary of the founding of Ruritan National in the town of Holland, Virginia. The name of club Ruritan club, serving the community since year , is one of 1,000+ Ruritan clubs across the nation. Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill, and community service. Join with the name of club Ruritan Club in making your community a better place to live. Public Service Announcement - Membership Drive The name of club Ruritan Club is looking for new members. The club is a part of Ruritan National, an organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellow‑ ship, goodwill, and community service. The name of club Ruritan Club annually sponsors include a couple of club projects . Contact name and phone number for more information about Ruritan. Help improve the community by becoming a member of name of club Ruritan Club. Public Service Announcement - Ruritan Sunday May date is Ruritan Sunday and the first day of Ruritan Week. Worship with Ruritan members of your community at your church, and join with the name of club Ruritan Club in making your com­ munity a better place in which to live. Public Service Announcement - Club Meeting The name of club Ruritan Club will hold its monthly meeting on day of week the date of month at time at location . Name of speaker, and title or occupation, employer will be the guest speaker on topic . Contact name, phone for more information. Public Service Announcement - Club Project The name of club Ruritan Club will hold its annual name of event on day of week, date . Tickets are cost per person and sold only in advance. Proceeds will be used to support the club’s community service projects. Contact name and phone number for more information about how you can support Ruritan efforts in the community.

Ruritan Facts at a Glance Keep this information up to date each year so you can access it for PR pieces and invitations. National Office and Headquarters:

Name: Ruritan National Mission Statement: Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill, and community service. Slogan: Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service Mascot: Rudy Ruritan Bear Founded: May 21, 1928 in Holland, Virginia Membership: More than 29,000 members across the United States. Number of Ruritan Clubs: More than 1,050 nationwide.


P. O. Box 487, Dublin, VA 24084; Toll Free (877) 787-8727; FAX (540) 674-2304; E-mail: office@ National President: _________________ Address: __________________________ Telephone: ________________________ District Governor: __________________ Address: __________________________ Telephone: ___________________________


Revised 8/2016

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