
In as much as Ruritan districts have the responsibility of organizing and starting new clubs and clubs have the responsibility of sending delegates to the Ruritan National Convention, the district, in coordination with Ruritan National, will provide financial assistance to the clubs that actively participate in the charter of new clubs in the following manner. — On the first anniversary date of the new club charter presentation meeting night, Ruritan National will present the sum of $250 to the sponsoring club. — Also, Ruritan National will provide the new club with two club delegate registrations for the upcoming Ruritan National Convention provided that: 1. The new club has remained active with 16 or more members. 2. The new club’s dues and reports are current. 3. The sponsoring club has properly mentored* the new club. * According to the New Webster’s Dictionary, a mentor is “a wise and faithful advisor or tutor.” The sponsor of a new Ruritan club is expected to do just that -- tutor the new club on Ruritan meeting procedure and protocol, as well as advise the new club through key events of the first year. District Growth Recognition Program A District Growth Recognition Program was approved by the Ruritan National Board of Directors in 2007 based on percentage of growth in three (3) categories — small districts (500 members or less), medium districts (501 to 1,000 members), and large districts (1,001 members and up). The winning district in each category will be recognized by the Ruritan National President at the Ruritan National Convention with a 3’ H x 5’ L district banner that can be displayed at the district/other functions, and two (2) 12” H x 24” L vehicle magnetic signs that can be displayed by the district governor as he/she travels the district. The banner will be accepted by the outgoing district governor, and the vehicle magnetic signs will be accepted by the incoming district governor (simultaneously). In the event, one/both district governors are not present at the convention, any representative of the district can accept the banner/signs. Ruritan Club/District Award for Sponsoring New Ruri-Teen Clubs Club and/or District Awards for Growth Any club sponsoring a Ruri-Teen club receives a $100 award at the one year anniversary of the club’s chartering. Club Award for Sponsoring a New Ruritan Club




Revised 8/2016

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