Clark Gas & Oil

LITTER PICK UP Members of the Stuart crew hit the street to help out with the community-wide Pick Up Patrick County effort on April 26. The group was proud to return to their office with a dumpster full of litter found along Commerce Street.

ECO AMBASSADOR COUNCIL Clark Gas & Oil is a member of the Eco Ambassador Council (EAC), a coalition of regional businesses that combine their investment to protect, promote and preserve the environment in the Dan River Basin. Other EAC members include Blair Construction, Carter Bank & Trust, Frith Construction, The Lester Group, Hooker Furnishings, Jones & DeShon Orthodontics and Pickle & Ash. Each business pledges an annual donation to The Dan River Basin Association along with a commitment to encourage their employees to participate in EAC projects. The EAC started in 2020 and is open to all businesses in the Dan River Basin that want to make a visible impact in the region. Interested? Email Tiffany Haworth at

Blair Clark | President

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