MISSION Our mission is to operate a public aquatic facility to increase health, water safety, and the aquatic education of Christiansburg residents and aquatic organizations. VISION The vision of the Christiansburg Aquatic Center is to provide a state-of-the-art aquatic facility that enhances the health, fitness, recreational, and competitive needs throughout our region. VALUES TEAM VALUES – Integrity, Attitude & Professionalism FACILITY VALUES – Clean, Safe & Accessible CUSTOMER SERVICE VALUES – Communication, Positive Experience & Knowledgeable PROGRAM VALUES – Quality, Variety & Satisfaction AQUATIC ADVISORY BOARD Steve Simmons, Chair Amelia Tuckwiller, Co-Chair Shirley Hallock Karen Drake-Whitney Bev Bridges Sam Bishop, Town Council Liaison TOWN COUNCIL D. Michael Barber, Mayor Samuel Bishop Johana Hicks Casey Jenkins Kim Bowman Tanya Hockett Timothy Wilson
595 N Franklin St. • Christiansburg, VA 24073 540.381.POOL (7665) •
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