Age Group 2 (AG2) Most swimmers in AG2 are between the ages of 9-12, are strong swimmers, but still need significant stroke development in certain strokes. AG2 swimmers will continue to develop their racing and training skills as they grow, mature, and have more ability to focus during practice. Practice is offered approximately six times per week for approximately 1.5 hours. It is recommended that swimmers try to attend 3-4 practice per week to see steady improvement. M-F: 5:45-7:15 p.m.; Sat 10-11:30 a.m. Age Group 3 (AG3) Most swimmers in AG3 are between the ages of 11-13 and are strong swimmers in all four strokes. AG3 is the highest level of our Age Group program, and it is designed to prepare swimmers for the transition from Age Group swimming to Senior swimming. This means that swimmers begin learning more advanced racing strategies and more emphasis is placed on seasonal training. Swimmers will begin to take more personal responsibility for their own swimming and learn to analyze their stroke and apply lessons from their coaches to their swimming. Practice is offered six times per week for approximate ly two hours, and it is recommended that swimmers try to attend 4-6 times per week to see consistent improvement if they can do so. Practice is offered M-Sat: Check website for exact times. Senior 1 (SR1) SR1 is the bridge group from Age Group level into Senior level swimming and training. Swimmer ages in this group range from 13-15 years age and are mostly 8th graders with a desire to improve and develop into a strong SR level swimmer. Practice is offered six times per week and expectations are that swimmers will attend minimally four times per week and average approximately five times per week. Emphasis will be on stroke technique, developing racing strategies and goal setting as they mature and understand the sport better. Practice is offered M-Sat: Check website for exact times. Senior 2 (SR2) SR2 swimmers have a wide range of ability, and the focus of this group is on technique refinement with a strong emphasis on intense, seasonal training. Practice is offered six times per week for two hours on average. Though there is no require ment for this group, it is recommended that swimmers make every practice they can to maximize their performance during championship swim meets, many swimmers in this group are preparing for high level competition with goals of swimming at the collegiate level. Participation in regular USA Swimming competitions is expected at this level. Practice is offered M-Sat: Check website for exact times.
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