Celtic Newsletter Winter 2019

RCS hosts first Career Day focusing on medical field, more to come

R OANOKE C ATHOLIC LAUNCHED A NEW VENTURE J AN . 31 during Catholic Schools Week: Career Day! Twenty-five professionals in the medical field — among them veterinarians, physicians, nurses, surgeons, pathologists, physical therapists, pharmacists and researchers — joined us for lunch followed by an afternoon of interactive, educational presentations to all RCS students. The rigorous schedule had our guests — all RCS parents — visit

importantly, students came away from Career Day with a richer understanding of what school is all about. Many seemed fearful of the path demanded of certain careers: college, graduate school, post graduate school, internships, fellowships, etc. Time and again, our presenters emphasized that they didn’t consider their educational journey to be “school,” but rather a fascinating journey that prepared

two Lower School classes followed by an Upper School assembly in which they presented to each of our 10 broken bones and stitching pig feet to resuscitating a “sim baby” and homerooms. From casting

them to become the best versions of their professional selves. We look forward to hosting more Career Days in the coming months that focus on Entrepreneurism, Arts, Engineering & Architecture, and Sports & Recreation. Meanwhile, we thank all who participated in our medical Career Day for the gift of your time and talent. We are a better school because of your service!

Thank you for sharing your gifts!

Autumn Alvarez, PharmD Renee Beirne, MD Tim Beirne, MD Roger Boucher, PA Alfonso Brochero, MD Kathy Chandler, NP Jennifer Cleveland, PharmD Franco Coniglione, DO Ted Foster, DVM Julia Hemphill, MD Eduardo Lara-Torre, MD Misty Lenk, DDS, MS

Kelli Linick, MD Megan McNamara, RN Lora Nissen, NP Joshua Nowocin, PA Jack Perkins, MD Karen Perkins, MD Angie Reichardt, MPT Tina Renick, RD, CSP Kristine Safford, MHS Shawn Safford, MD Carrie Turnbull, DVM Robert White, MD

studying lab mice, the presenters went above and beyond inspiring our students, even offering them opportunities to intern or shadow with them in the coming months. Perhaps most

Be “cool” to Roanoke Catholic School on Roanoke Valley Gives Day, March 13

Tune in to our “CelticsThon” broadcast on March 13 on CelticsLive.com starting at 3 pm!

Help us raise $125,000 to install air-conditioning in our Upper School this Roanoke Valley Gives Day on March 13. Built in the 1960s, our Upper School has long been "cooled" by window units. With your generosity, we will be able to install new HVAC this summer. Roanoke Valley Gives Day is a 24-hour online fundraising competition among the region’s 165 leading nonprofits. Roanoke Catholic has been the most successful nonprofit since the competition’s beginning in 2016. Last year, we earned $17,000 in bonus prizes for raising the most money in one day: $109,610! With your help, we can win more incentive prizes to support our Upper School HVAC project. The air-conditioning initiative will complete the major

renovation projects to our campus, which over the last several years have included: • New energy-efficient roof, doors, windows and HVAC units in our Lower School. • New lighting, floor and roof in the Gillespie Family Gymnasium. • New doors, windows and EIFS building material in our Upper School building. • New LED lighting. • And, thanks to our 2018 Roanoke Valley Gives supporters, new air-conditioning in our Gillespie Family Gymnasium. Schedule your gift today at rvgives.givebig.org. Your donation won’t be charged to your credit card until March 13, but you’ll position us to win again Roanoke Valley Gives Day!

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