Celtic Newsletter Fall 2021
AMessage from Father Anthony
Dear Roanoke Catholic Family,
This has been quite a beautiful school year already with so many opportunities to give thanks to the Lord. I am now in my second year as school chaplain here on campus, and I must say that I ’ ve been especially encouraged by all of the incredible energy and
Patrick Patterson Principal & Head of School
Christopher Michael Dean of Students & Associate Head of School
excitement surrounding so many of the activities we weren ’ t able to participate in together last year — All - school masses, football games, pep rallies, homecoming, extracurricular clubs, and so much more. Things are moving in a wonderful direction here at Roanoke Catholic, and I would ask you to please keep praying that we not only get back to “ normal, ” but come back stronger than ever before as a school community. I know these past two years have been tough on all our students, their families and our faculty and staff, but the resilience and the life - lessons we ’ ve all had to learn in the midst of these times is testament to the grace of God at work in each of our lives. He loves us so much, and will never abandon us. Above all, He proves His love in the Most Holy Eucharist, which we have the privilege and honor of gathering to celebrate in worship every single week as a school. That ’ s the heart of Roanoke Catholic, and I am convinced that if we stay close to Jesus, everyone at our school will continue to excel and grow into the people we were created to be.
Nicole Lieber Dean of Faculty
Meredith Galazka Dean of Enrollment Management & Financial Aid
Stephanie Oliver Director of Marketing & Media Relations
Elizabeth Zirkle Director of Finance
Debbie Stump Director of Major Gifts & State Tax Credits
Mike Sebolt Director of IT & Digital Student Learning
Matt Peck Director of Athletics
Please know that my prayers are with all of you as we finish this
semester and look ahead to the Spring.
Fr. Anthony Ferguson , Chaplain
Ellen Vanden Eykel , Campus Minister
Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Anthony Ferguson Chaplain
Denise Beltran , Segura Advocate
Shawn Good , Associate Athletic Director
Kellie Moore , School Secretary
Stay connected & follow us anywhere!
John Thomas, Chair (St. Andrew ’ s) Dan Burkhard, Vice - Chair & Treasurer (Transfiguration) Ron Downing, Secretary (Our Lady of Perpetual Help)
Michelle Gereaux - Karim (Our Lady of Nazareth) Brian Chubb (St. Gerard ’ s) Ben Price (At Large) Frank Toney (At Large) Angela Toney (At Large)
The Celtic Newsletter is designed and created by Mrs. Lindsey Miller ’ s Photojournalism Class and the Roanoke Catholic School Marketing Office.
Made with FlippingBook - Online magazine maker