Celtic Newsletter Fall 2021

The Class of 1971 celebrated their 50th Reunion on June 26th. The event was hosted at the home of Gene '67 and Tracy Kormann Brady ‘71. The celebration included 20 alumni from the class of 1971 along with 11 spouses, and 4 special guests. Some classmates traveled from California, Arizona, Kansas City and Missouri for this special occasion. Welcome Back Alumni

The Class of 2010 visited campus this summer. We were so happy to see them back on the Hill.


John Adams, Class of 1993, attended our homecoming game on October 15 th to collect his class ring. He said he lost his ring at a retreat at Smith Mountain Lake back in 1993 and it was eventually recovered on Bent Mountain years later. Former RCS assistant football coach, Kenny Wimmer, said someone on Bent Mountain brought him the ring after they found it in a field. Matt Peck RCS Athletic Director, was able to locate John and let him know his class ring was found. John was pleased to have his ring back nearly 30 years later.

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